꿈에그리던 설화수 라인을 추석직전 부터 사용하고 있습니다.
워낙 고가라..사용할 엄두도 못내고 선물할 엄두는 더더욱 못내던 화장품인데
요즘 피부가 하루가 다르게 일그러져 가는 이 상황에서..
이것저것 고민만 하고있다가는 제 피부 다 망가지겠더라구요
I've been using Sulwhasoo Extra Refining Water 125ml Review since before the Korean Thanksgiving day. It couldn't even think about using it or giving it as a gift to someone because it is so expensive. My skin was becoming extremely messy every single day and I had to do something about it.
I've been using Sulwhasoo Extra Refining Water 125ml Review since before the Korean Thanksgiving day. It couldn't even think about using it or giving it as a gift to someone because it is so expensive. My skin was becoming extremely messy every single day and I had to do something about it.
걍 과감히 질렀습니다.![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_v2ANfe-kKUJHd8RY5AhwTGbpcvhp5wwBrDRNiu18Z9tQ-yg7E85XB8JCo_dme1NImcpApPYQGDvxatwsxBf12Z-Al6Tw2CWuf5eo4NSmnA9GanohRqxEP3GGjsh0RMq9B-RA=s0-d)
솔직히..기본라인 구매가 언제인가..까마득 입니다.
워낙 화장품 욕심이 큰편 아니고..아껴서 사용하는 스탈입니다.
또..거기에 덧붙여서
화장품 리뷰시작하면서 사용하게 된 단품 브랜드 화장품들이 있어서 사용했으니까요^^
(내 피부 타입에 안맞아도 사용해야 하고..이런 부분을 보면...이건 사실 슬픈이야기 인데...
어떤분들은..분명..망언이라고 할 수도 있어요
여태껏..기억속에 화장품에 관해서는..리뷰든 구매든 어떤경로로 사용을 시작했던...^^
전..사용감이 나쁜 화장품도 없었고...지금도 어떤 종류든..^^ 잘 사용하고 있습니다.
두리뭉실 한가봐요..반응이 둔한건지..
So I've decided to just buy it.
To be frank, I don't when it was the last time that I bought a basic cosmetics.
I am personally not very greedy about cosmetics and I usually tend to use save the cosmetics.
Also, it's because I've been using the cosmetics that I've tried out while writing my review.
(It's sort of sad that I must use the cosmetics even if it doesn't match very well on my skin)
But I am sure that some people will consider this a nonsense.
Until now, none of the products that I've tried out were bad and I am currently using all the cosmetics very well no matter what sort of product it is.
I guess that's just my personality. Or maybe it's that my reactions are slow.
So I've decided to just buy it.
To be frank, I don't when it was the last time that I bought a basic cosmetics.
I am personally not very greedy about cosmetics and I usually tend to use save the cosmetics.
Also, it's because I've been using the cosmetics that I've tried out while writing my review.
(It's sort of sad that I must use the cosmetics even if it doesn't match very well on my skin)
But I am sure that some people will consider this a nonsense.
Until now, none of the products that I've tried out were bad and I am currently using all the cosmetics very well no matter what sort of product it is.
I guess that's just my personality. Or maybe it's that my reactions are slow.
진짜 나를 위한 제품..기본라인 하나는...있어야 겠다는거...
30대 중반으로 달려가는 즈음에 절실히 느끼게 되더라구요~
설화수 진설라인으로
걍 과감히 질렀는데
약간의 자랑질과 더불어...좋은 정보 함께 올려보도록 하겠습니다.
But I really needed a basic cosmetics for my skin.
I really felt the need when I was heading towards my mid-thirties.
So I've decided to buy Sulwhasoo Jinseol (Arrangement) series.
I am not bragging, but I will write a review on that product with some great information soon.
지금 모든분들이 느끼시겠지만..환절기에요
잠시잠깐 방심하면 확~늙는다는거...(최소한 출산을 경험한 30대 주부라면..그렇지 않으세요
저의 쌩얼..공개!!!
I am sure that everyone is feeling this. We are at the change of seasons.
The skin becomes very old if you do not pay a close attention. (It doesn't apply for those housewives that gave childbirth)
Let me show you my bare face!
코 모공부터 시작해서..여드름..
오타모반..(치료했지만..쌩얼로 보면..표시 당연히 납니다.ㅜㅜ)
저 하루라도 세안을 게을리 하거나 기초라인 제대로 안바르면..
바로 피부가 일어납니다.ㅜㅜ
이런 피부이기 때문에...사실..4계절중 어떠한 계절도 방심 금물이에요
저처럼 지복합성 피부이신 분들께..저만의 피부관리 노하우를 알려드리자면..
Look at those pores and pimples on my face.
(I got some treatment, but you can still see them when you look at the bare face)
Isn't it really bad?
My skin becomes extremely rough and dry if I become lazy and do not wash my face or do not apply the basic cosmetics very well.
For such reasons, I always have to pay a close attention to my skin.
Let me give you a few tips for taking care of your skin for those people who have a combination to oily skin like me.
1>세안은 철저하게(수건 사용금지)
(수건에도 오염물질이 묻어있을 수 있고..수건이 수분을 앗아가기때문에 자연건조 시켜요)
2>탄수화물,지방 음식 삼가하기
(지금 다이어트 중이라..더더욱 철저하게 지키려고 노력합니다.치킨먹으면 이마에 여드름 올라오는 민감성 피부거든요)
3>4계절 집 안에서든 밖이서든 자외선 차단제품 꼭 챙겨바르기
(피부노화의 주범!! 자외선 입니당!!)
4>피부는 항상 촉촉하게 유지하기
(피부에 수분이 없어지면 건조함과 푸석푸석함 잔주름을 유발시켜요)
5>손으로 피부를 만지면 안되요
(피부트러블을 유발시키는 원인이 될 수 있거든요)
1. Wash you face thoroughly. (Never use a towel)
(There can be pollutants on the towel and I usually dry it up with natural air because towel tend to take away the moisture from the skin)
2. Avoid food that contains carbohydrate and fat.
(I am trying to do this as much as possible because I am currently on a diet. I usually get pimples on my forehead whenever I eat chicken)
3. Apply the sunblock whether you are at home or outsside
(UV rays are the main causes of skin aging)
4. Always maintain a moist skin.
(Lack of moisture of the skin causes roughness, dryness and fine wrinkles)
5. Never touch your face with your hands.
(It can cause troubles on your skin)
(I am trying to do this as much as possible because I am currently on a diet. I usually get pimples on my forehead whenever I eat chicken)
3. Apply the sunblock whether you are at home or outsside
(UV rays are the main causes of skin aging)
4. Always maintain a moist skin.
(Lack of moisture of the skin causes roughness, dryness and fine wrinkles)
5. Never touch your face with your hands.
(It can cause troubles on your skin)
특별한 특출난 무언가는 없지만..또 깜박하면 잊어버릴 수 있는 부분들 같아요^^
피부관리에 제가 가장 의지하는 부분,가장 비중을 많이 두는 부분은 사실 기초제품 사용인것 같습니다.
기초제품을 내 피부에 잘 맞는 제품으로 선택 사용하는 것이
좋은피부로 개선,유지 시키는데 도움이 되지 않을까요^^
그중에서도..요즘같은 환절기는..극도로 신경써주어야 하는 계절이라..더 신중하게 됩니다.
인터넷 후기 및 지인추천 제품정보 등을 오랫동안 고민한끝에..
설화수 제품중 진설 라인으로 초이스!!!!
설화수 진설라인 사용단계를 간단히 정리해보면????
There is nothing special about i. Bu I personally think these are things that we often tend to forget. I personally pay the most attention on my basic cosmetics.
Isn't it correct that choosing the products that matches the best on me would help to maintain a good skin and enhance the skin?
I am usually more cautious during the change of seasons because it's a season that I need to pay more attention. I've decided to buy Sulwhasoo Extra Refining Water with the recommendation of an acquaintance and after worrying for a long time.
The following is the step for applying Sulwhasoo Extra Refining Water.
(First Care Serum) Sulwhasoo Extra Refining Water -Sulwhasoo Milky Liquid - Sulwhasoo Essence - Sulwhasoo Eye Cream - Sulwhasoo Cream (Whitening Cream)
이중..저의 자금 여부를 비롯..기타여건을 꼼꼼히 떠져보았을때 구매가능한 제품은 3가지 이더라구요~
(여유가 되어서 모조리 구매하고 싶지만..ㅜㅜ)
제가 현재 사용중인 설화수 진설라인 3개 제품 보여드릴게요^^
After considering the money that I have and various other things, there were three product that I can buy among these products
(I would love to buy them all if I have the money)
I'll show you the three Sulwhasoo's products that I am currently using.
After considering the money that I have and various other things, there were three product that I can buy among these products
(I would love to buy them all if I have the money)
I'll show you the three Sulwhasoo's products that I am currently using.
소나무 뿌리에서 추출한 미세화된 수액성분이 피부 속 깊이 수분을 공급하여 깊이 있는 촉촉함을 전달합니다. 피부에 닿는 순간 상쾌하게 흡수되며 피부를 빠르게 정돈해 기존의 스킨과 비교할 수 없는 깊은 촉촉함을 선사합니다.
The fine sap that's been extracted from the roots of pine trees delivers a sense of moisture by providing moisture. It gets absorbed into the skin very refreshingly as soon as it touches the skin and it also delivers a sense of moisture that cannot be compared to the previous toners.
The fine sap that's been extracted from the roots of pine trees delivers a sense of moisture by providing moisture. It gets absorbed into the skin very refreshingly as soon as it touches the skin and it also delivers a sense of moisture that cannot be compared to the previous toners.
*소나무 뿌리 추출액*
소나무 뿌리에서 추출한 수액성분이 피부 속 깊이 수분을 공급하여 깊이 있는
촉촉함을 전달합니다
촉촉함을 전달합니다
*PIT 유화 공법*
PIT 유화 공법 을 통해 일반 스킨보다 훨씬 많은 영양 성분들을 작은 크기로 만들어주기 때문에 바를 때는 스킨처럼 묽지만 순식간에 스며들어 로션과 같은 즉각적인 유연감까지 느끼실 수 있습니다.
"Extracts from the roots of pine trees"
The extracts from the roots of pine trees deliver moisture deeply into the skin and deliver a deep sense of moisture
"PIT Oil Method"
Since the PIT oil method makes more nutrition in small particles than those ordinary toners,
you are able to feel an immediate flexibility on the skin that's similar to the lotion.
제품 가격 비싼거 말고는 단점이 없는 제품이구요![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_tm5sdAqyf_xl5lTVy2DYevmJGg5XdMH8FzEkIQaAoDMLEd8m-JXOR6GjTiNs-oSeWzB9hdSadfR-I8PL4k0xwJgyYFnUTQEli0ipfCHmxn0ESxdJEELmu8rVpgIcNbWPkzJ9s=s0-d)
가격도..샘플말고..이렇게 정품으로 사용을 해보니까
비록 사용시작한지 일주일 되었지만...비싸도..설화수 설화수..하는 이유..
제 피부로 느낍니다.
나이가 젊을때는 또 모르겠는데..30대 중반 달려가는 지금 저에게 있어서는..
이정도의 투자 가치가 충분히 있는 제품이라고 확신하구요
설화수 진설라인에서 지금 저에게 부족한건 아이크림, 진설크림 2가지 입니다.
I couldn't find any disadvantages of this product other than the fact that it was sort of expensive. After having used the original product, now I finally understand why people are saying that Sulwhasoo is so good despite the expensive price.
I am quite sure that this much investment is definitely worth
for myself when I am heading towards my mid-thirties.
I now only have two more products in Sulwhasoo Jinseol Series to buy,
which are the eye cream and Jinseol Cream.
I couldn't find any disadvantages of this product other than the fact that it was sort of expensive. After having used the original product, now I finally understand why people are saying that Sulwhasoo is so good despite the expensive price.
I am quite sure that this much investment is definitely worth
for myself when I am heading towards my mid-thirties.
I now only have two more products in Sulwhasoo Jinseol Series to buy,
which are the eye cream and Jinseol Cream.
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