Thursday, November 1, 2012

OHUI Shiny Volume Gloss 6g Review

OHUI Shiny Volume Gloss 6g 

얼마전 엄마께 선물한 립 글로스를 소개 할까해요..

I'll introduce the lip gloss that I gave to mom as a gift. 

☆ 빛나는 반짝임과 풍부한 볼룸감으로 눈부시게 반짝이는 입술 완성.
식물성 립케어 성분이 입술을 매끈하고 윤기있게 가꾸어주는 립글로스...

라고 상자 겉면에, 설명이 되어있어요..

This is what the description on the box says about the product. 

It completes a glittering lip with its abundant volume and sparklingness. 
The vegetable lip care ingredients in this lip gloss help you to have a smooth and glossy lip. 

정갈한 상자에 아주 심플한 립글로스가 담겨있어요..
원래는 "후" 립글로스 외형이 아주 럭셔리해서 그걸로 하려고했는데..
엄마는 화려한 걸 별로 좋아하지 않으셔서 이걸로 택 했어요..

The simple lip gloss is in a very neat box. 
In fact, I wanted to buy the Whoo's lip gloss because the design looked very luxurious. 
But I've decided to buy this one because my mother doesn't like fancy designs. 

한 손에 잡히는 감이 제겐 딱 좋아요..
너무 심플하다 보니 나름 포인트로 뚜껑 부분에 포인트를 준 것 같은데.. 뭐 그닥;;

It's a product that I was looking for because it fits in one hand. 
The product seems to have focused on the lid because it looks extremely simple. But I don't think it's that cool or anything. 

입구부분이 너무 좁지 안아서 솔이 빠지고 들어가는데 불편한 감이 없어요

The brush comes in and out very well because the mouth isn't too narrow. 

발색을 볼 차례인데.. 암만 해봐도, 노후중인 제 똑딱이는...
자글자글하고 아주 예쁜 핑크빛 을 잡기 역 부족이었어요...ㅠ

펄감이 아주 자글자글 이름 그대로 샤이니 한데도 입자가 작아서 그런지 거부감이 없었어요..

It's now time for me to test the color on my skin. 
But my old camera was incapable of grasping the pretty pink color. 

The pearls were very fine and shiny just like its name and it wasn't  irritating to the skin because the particles were very small. 

흰 종이에 살짝 발라본 건데요..
이 색감보다 아주 좀더 핑크빛이 진하긴한데 과하진 않고.. 여리여리 한 것 같아요~~

This is when I applied the product on a white sheet of paper. 
The color is actually more strong in reality. However, the color isn't too excessive or anything. 

자 이제 쌩입술을 준비합니다..

I am now going to prepare my lips. 

후레쉬 OFF / 후레쉬 ON   
When turned off the flash / When turned on the flash

입술에 어떠한 립스틱 바르지 않고 반짝임과 펄감만 보려고 단독으로 발라봤어요.
단독으로 바르기엔 색감이 거의 나타나지 않아 반짝임만 보이지만,
립스틱을 발랐을때는 반짝임 + 볼륨감과 생기있는 입술로 만들어주더라구요..

I applied the product on my lips without having applied anything else because I wanted to test the shininess and the pearls. You can only see the glitters on the lips because it doesn't show much of the color when applied alone. But it has created a glittering lip with much volume when I applied it together with the lipstick. 


1. 자글자글한 펄감이 과하지 않고 정말 반짝반짝 예쁘다.
2. 향은 딸기향 같은데.. 싸구려 과일향이 아니고 굉장히 달콤해서 맛 있을 것 같다;; =ㅁ=
3. 시간이 지나면서 하얗게 일어나는 현상은 심하진 않지만 있다.
4. 처음 발랐을땐 볼륨감도 느껴지지만, 그닥 지속력이 길진 않다. (40분~1시간정도??)
5. 무겁고 끈적이는 질감이 가끔은 거슬린다..ㅡ_ㅡ;;

1. The fine pearls aren't too excessive and the sparkling pearls look very pretty. 
2. It has a strawberry smell and it smells very delicious because it's very sweat. 
3. It sort of turns your lip white after a certain amount of time. But it is not to excessive. 
4. You can feel the volume on your lip, but the sense of volume doesn't last very long. (It lasts for about 40 minutes to an hour)
5. The heavy and sticky texture is sometimes annoying. 

Click here to purchase the product.

  1. One Tip For The Make Up!!

Please check the expiration before you use cosmetics :)
*The expiration of cosmetics is usually 3 years from pack date before unsealing
Skin / Toner / LotionIn a year after unsealing (Keep in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty TreatmentIn 8 months after unsealing (Keep in a dark place)
CreamIn a year after unsealing (Keep in a cold place like room temperature)
Makeup Base / FoundationIn a year after unsealing (Keep in a cold place like room temperature)
Stick FoundationIn a year after unsealing (Keep in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver a year after unsealing
EyelinerIn a year(When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
MascaraIn 6 months
Cleansing CreamIn a year ~ a year and a half after unsealing(Use cream type with a
SunblockIn 4 months ~ a year after unsealing (cold storage)
Nail / EnamelIn a year after unsealing
※ It can differ from items, so please check fot details

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