Thursday, November 29, 2012

SKINFOOD Egg White Pore Mask Wash off 100g Review

SKINFOOD Egg White Pore Mask Wash off 100g

사용법은 세안 후 눈가와 입가를 제외하고
얼굴 전체를 펴바른뒤 10~15분뒤 따듯한 물로 씻어내라고 적혀있네요.
다른 팩하고 거의 사용법이 비슷비슷 한것같아요.

The instruction says that I should apply the product on my entire face except my eyes and mouth after washing your face and wash it off with warm water after 10 to 15 minutes. 
I think it's quite similar with most other products. 

구입한지 좀 되서 사용감이 있어요.
오랜만에 사용하려고 뚜껑을 열었는데
한구석에 물이 고여 있다고 해야하나
뭐 그런식으로 되어있더라구용!
약 한달만에 사용하는 건데 뚜껑을
열지않고 계속 보관하면 물이 고이나봐용

It looks sort of old because it's been quite a while since I bought this. 
I opened the lid in a long time
and there were some water in one corner. 
I didn't know that such thing happened 
when I didn't use for a long time. 

되게 생크림 같이 생기지 않았나요?
느낌도 막 생크림같아요!
부들부들하고 근데 향이없습니다.

Doesn't it look like a fresh cream?
It also feels like a fresh cream. 
It's very smooth, but it doesn't have any smell. 

얼굴에 펴 바른 모습입니다.
느낌? 질감? 뭐 그런거 보시고 참고하시라고 올려요!
전 바를때 되게 부들부들하게 잘 발렸어요.

This is after spreading it on my face. 
I am uploading these photographs so that you can see the texture. 
It applied very smoothly on my skin. 

ㅋㅋ.. 좀 혐오스러우시나요
저 상태가 15~20분 정도 지난상태에요.
바른후에 서서히 건조되는 상태라서
제 생각엔 팩이 얼굴에서 마르는것같아요.

Is it a little disgusting?
This is after 15-20 minutes after using the product. 
I think the pack dries up on your face because
it tends to dry up very slowly. 

세안을 다 하고 물기를 닦아낸 모습이에요.
팩을 하기전에 피부상태를 사진으로 찍지
못해서 차이점을 눈으로 확인할수가 없네요

This is after wiping off the water after washing my face. 
I really can't much difference because I forgot tot take the photograph of my skin 
before using the pack. 

모공에 관심이 많으신 분들 사용해도 제 생각엔 나름 괜찮으실 제품.
제 피부는 지성이에요. 그래서인지 모공관리도 더 해줘야 싶고 그런데
이 팩을 하면 되게 피부가 부들부들 해지면서 모공이 조여오는 느낌이 들어요.
팩을하고 시간이 지나면서 얼굴이 조여오는느낌, 당겨오는 나낌이 계속 점점들어요.
그래서 모공이 조여오는 느낌이 나는것 같아요.
아마도 제 생각엔 팩이 얼굴엔서 바로 건조가 되어서 그런것 같아요.
세안을 할때는 얼굴에 물이 닿자마자 바로 부들부들 해져요!
건조하던게 물이닿으면 부들부들 해지고 신기했습니다.
그 부들두들 하던게 막 다음날 아침까지도 부들부들..ㅎㅎ
전 나름 괜찮았던 제품인것 같구요 가끔가다 한번씩 생각날때 해주시면 좋으실것같아요.
전 이미 다른 팩을 하고있어서 저 팩은 가끔가다 한번씩 하거든요.
그럴때마다 피부가 진짜로 부들부들 거리는것같아서 기쁩니다 !

스킨푸드 에그 화이트 포어 마스크 :  ★★★★☆

I personally think it's a pretty good product for those people who are very much interested in pores. I really want to take care of my pores and this pack usually makes my skin very smooth and tightens the pores. The entire face gets tightened and after some time. That's probably the reason why my pores are feeling tightened. 
I think this is because the pack is dried on the face immediately. 
Your skin becomes very smooth and soft right away when the water touches the skin. 
I was very surprised by that and that smoothness lasted until the next morning. LOL
I personally thought that it was a pretty good product. It wouldn't be a bad idea to use it from time to time. I don't use this product everyday because I already have a pack that I am using. 
I am really happy because the skin really became soft and tender whenever I used it. 

SKINFOOD Egg White Pore Mask Wash off: ★★★★☆

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them. 

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