Tuesday, November 27, 2012

SKINFOOD Tea Tree Toner, Emulsion Review

SKINFOOD Tea Tree Toner, Emulsion

제가 지성에다 트러블피부라 그런지 화장품을 살때 꼭보는 건데요T_T
뭘사도 "지성피부에 딱이에요!" "여드름나면 이거 써봐요!" 이런소니만나오면ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
마침 스킨도 다떨어지고.. 돈도없어서..저렴..저렴...찾다가 발견한 건데요!
스킨푸드는 제가 좋아하는 디자인에다가! 써보는 것마다 괜찮다 싶어서 계속 찾고있어요~

I have thin ears and I tend to buy whatever the product is  whenever I hear people say that it's perfect for the dry skin  or it's good the pimples. LOL
I found this product while I was looking for cheap product to buy because I finished using my skin and I didn't have much found!
I am continuously buying Skinfood's products because I really like their design and all of the products that I've used were quite good. 

처음엔 뭐야..왜 초록색이야..했는뎅ㅋㅋ
병때문이였구요~ 양도 적당 한것같아요!
세안후 전 손에 탈탈 털어서 사용도 하지만 화장솜에 적셔서 사용한답니다!
아빠스킨바르듯 촥촥 바르면 뭔가 빨리 건조해 지더군요,,!! 손이 스킨을 흡수한데요!!

아이고,,,저 곰손..////

I wondered why the content was green in the first place
and  I found out that the bottle was green. I think the volume is quite good!
I usually use a toner on a cosmetics cotton bud, even though I sometimes use my hands after washing my face. I think the toner dries up very quickly when I tap it. People say that your hands absorb the toner. 

Oh gosh~ look at my fat hands..

스킨푸드의 장점 디자인!
스킨푸드를 좋아해서...라기 보다는 겉에 보이는 설명을 안에 더 자세히 써 놓는게
뭔가 기발한것같고 읽으면서 아~ 하기도 해요!
가끔...걸리적 거릴때도 있지만요... 쓰는데는 지장없지만! ^^+

I think Skinfood's product design is one of their advantages!
I personally think it's amazing how they've written down the descriptions inside. 

I think it's very brilliant. 
It's sometimes very annoying.. but it's not a big problem. :)

에멀전은 지성이라 잘 안섰는데요,,그게 아니더라구요!!
지성일수록 더욱 신경써줘야 한다는 점!!

전 지성이지만 세안후는 엄~청 건조해서 로션은 필수랍니다...허허..
전체적으로 끈적끈적함은 없고 촉촉하구요~
그래서 그런지 너무 많은 양을 덜어쓰면 흐헉.....아니되요..

I didn't use emulsions before because I have an oily skin. But I was wrong!!
You actually have to take of your skin even more when you have an oil skin!!

Even though I have an oil skin, I always have to put on the lotion because my skin gets extremely dry after washing my face. In the overall sense, it's moist and not very sticky. 
For such reason, you cannot use too much. 

토너나 에멀전이나 상품디자인은 똑같구요,
병모양 이랄까요,,빈티지한 디자인이 너무 맘에 들어서..
"트러블이라면 이거쓰세요!" 라서 바로 사서 써봤는뎅..
큰효과는 나오지 않지만 세안을 잘 해주시고 꾸준히 바르다보면
"음~ 좀 괜춘해진듯?" 한 느낌이 들어요..ㅎㅎ
끈적이는 것보다 수분이 많구요,
유분보다 수분이 더많아서  저같은 지성에게는 강추!

아무래도 트러블 전용으로 나온 상품이라서 성분도 그렇고 독할수있습니다!
사시기전에 손등에 테스트해보시고! 민감성이신분들은 피해주세요!!

The toner and the emulsion have a same design. 
I really liked the shape of the bottle and its vintage design. 
I bought it because they told me that I should use this product when I am getting pimples on my face. Even though I didn't see dramatic effects or anything, I can feel that my skin getting better. 
It is moist than sticky 
and I highly recommend it for those people who have oil skin because it contains more moisture than oil. 

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them. 

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