Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Foam Review

The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Foam

오랜만에 리뷰인듯싶어용 ㅎ.ㅎ 클렌징제품 리뷰로 왔어요!!
이제품은 제가 구매한건 아니고 눈물파우더 구매하다가 
더페이스샵은 그렇게 이용을 잘 안하는 브랜드중 하나라서
회원가입을 안하고있었나봐요. 따지고보면 정말 많이구매했는데,, ㅠㅠ 
그래서 가입했더니 증정품으로 주셨어요.
작아서 그런가 여행용으론 딱 좋을것같아요. 
추워서 어디 돌아다니는거 좋아하진 않지만,
하도 힘들고 치이고 사느라 뺏기고 없어지고 
증발되어버린 저의 에너지를 찾으러 많이많이 돌아다니고있어요.
여러분들은 어떠신가요?

It looks like I haven't written my review for quite a while. I brought a review on a cleansing foam today!! This is actually not a product that I bought. I've been only purchasing the Tears Powder from them and I forgot about joining their site. I've actually bought a lot from them. 
So I joined their website and they gave me this as a gift. 
I think it's a perfect product for travelling because it's very small. 
I don't really like moving around because it's cold.. 
but try to move around as much as possible because 
I want to get my energy back. 
I'm moving around a lot these days because I want to get back the energy that has somehow evaporated in my life. 
What about you guys?

증정용으로 받은 미감수 클렌징폼 외관은 심플하면서 중후한 느낌을 주고있답니다.
더페이스샵의 이미지와 왠지 모르게 비슷하지않나요?

'The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Foam' looks very simple and serious. 
Isn't it quite similar with the image of The Face Shop?

뒷외관은 사용법과 제품설명이 표기되어있어요.

The instructions and the product description are written on the back. 

손에 딱 들어오는 크기로 여행용으로 딱 ^_^

It's a perfect size for traveling because it fits right in your hand. :)

새상품이란것을 증명해주는 껍질?!이 아닌 버진씰!!ㅎ 
(이름이 생각이 안나서 못난이 오빠가 옆에서 껍질이라고..)

This is the virgin seal that proves that it's a new product! LOL
(I couldn't think of the word 'virgin seal' and my brother next to me told me that it's the peel..)

클렌징폼은 대부분 튜브형식이잖아요. 
확실히 편하기도 하지만 입구가 더러워지면
클렌징제품이다 보니 사용하기 찝찝해요. 
화장실 세면대 옆에 놓다보면 가끔 물이들어가서.. 으악..

Most of the cleansing foams are tube-type products. 
Tube-type products are definitely more convenient, but 
it's kind of discomforting when the lid becomes dirty because it's a product for cleansing. 
I hate it when water goes in when I place it on the washstand. 

클렌징 테스트를 하기위해 왼쪽부터 아이브로우,
(지금은 단종된)샤인 골드빔,마스카라 에요.!

I applied the eyebrow, shine gold beam (which is no longer in the market) and mascara 
from the left for a cleansing test!

적당량의 클렌징폼을 짜고 물을 뭍혀보았어요. 
기존 사용하던 클렌징폼은 짜는양에비해 거품이
풍성하고 몽글몽글하게 잘나던데, 이제품은 거품이 풍성하게 나진않아요. 
클렌징이 훨씬 쉽다는 장점이 있겠죠?

I squeezed out the cream on the back of my hand and put some water on it. 
The cleansing foams that I've used before had a lot of bubbles in comparison to the amount that  I've squeezed out, but this product didn't create that much bubbles. 
That probably means cleansing is a lot easier, right?

이렇게 사진처럼 클렌징은 깨끗하게 보이는듯 싶으나, 
사실 몇번이고 문질러서  클렌징이 된거에요,,ㅠㅠ
이런결과 아무래도 BB처럼 밀착력이 있고 
피부에 달라붙는 제품은 클렌징이 어려울듯 싶으니 패쓰!

클렌징 ★★

클렌징폼인데 클렌징이 아쉬운제품. 꼼꼼한 세안이 필요한건 물론이고, 
BB같은 밀착력있는 제품을 클렌징하는건 비추!

거품 ★★★

거품이 풍성하게 일어나지는 않는 제품. 이 점은 각자 취향에 따라서 선택이 가능하지만,
거품이 풍성하지 않아 세안을 할때에는 조금더 간편하게 세안이 가능합니다.

향 ★★★★

향은 약간 포근한 향을 많이 받았어요. 
쌀처럼 곡물향기도 조금 나고 거북한 향기는 절대아님!

My hand looks very clean in the photograph,
but I actually rubbed my hands several times. 
I'll just move on to the next part because it seems like this is not very good product for 
cleansing those products that stick on to the skin like BB creams! 

Cleansing ★★

The cleansing effects wasn't as good as I've expected. You would have to clean your face very carefully and it's not really recommended for cleansing products that stick on to the skin very well. (Such as BB creams, etc.)

Foam/bubbles ★★★

It's a product that doesn't create much foam/bubbles. Even though you can choose it according to your preference, but you'll be able to wash your face more easily because there's not much foam. 

Fragrance ★★★

The fragrance was a very cozy. 
It sort of smelled like grains.. It's definitely not an uncomfortable smell!

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.