Sunday, December 16, 2012

Etude House Line Nuance Duo Review

Etude House Line Nuance Duo

에뛰드 하우스 라인 뉘앙스 듀오 2호

Etude House Line Nuance Duo No.2

눈매를 교정시켜주는 라인 메이커 ! 한쪽에는 라이너가 한쪽에는 섀도우가 들어있습니다 

This is a maker that corrects your eyes! The liner is in one side and the shadow is in the other side. 

길쭉한 형태의 펜 같은 느낌인 제품인데요 한쪽에는 섀도우가
한쪽에는 라이너가 들어가서 한제품 가지고도 메이크업을 할 수 있는
제품이랍니다 그래서 정말 휴대성과 더불어서 
이런 듀얼제품이라 유용해 너무 좋은 거 같아요 !
여러 색상이 있었지만 저 같은 경우 섀도우는 펄이 많은 여성스러운 제품을 원했었어요 
원래 눈물라이너로 사용할 제품을
찜해 두고 있었는데 섀도우의 색상에 반해서 이제품으로 결정했답니다 !

This product quite long and looks like a pen. This product allows you to do your make-up at once because it has both a shadow and a liner on each side. It's a product that can be carried around and it's also very handy. There were several colors, but I chose the one with much pearls because I always wanted a girlish product with much pearls in it. I actually had a product that I wanted to buy, but I bought this because I really liked the color!

이렇게 한부분에는 새도우가 팁과 함께 있는데요 팁이 스프링으로 되어있어서 
닫고 열때마다 팁에 섀도우가 뭍어나와요
라이너는 오토펜슬타입인데요 색상은  아래 사진이 더 정확하니 참고 부탁드릴게요 !

As you can see in the photograph, the shadow is in one side with the tip. And Since the tip is made with a spring, the shadow is smeared on the tip whenever you open and close it. 
The liner is an auto-pencil type liner and the color can see been on the photograph below. 

저 같은 경우에는 홑꺼풀이라서 라인을 길게 빼준후에 섀도우를 넓게 칠해주는 편인데요 ! 이제품은 라이너가 좀 연한 편이라서
따로 블랙 아이라이너를 사용해야 될거 같더라구요 라이너보다는 
포인트섀도우 색상이라고 해야 하나요 ? 섀도우도 베이스로는
좀 튀는 색상인거 같아서 여러 섀도우와 잘 믹스해서 사용해 주면 이쁠거같아요 !

I usually take out the liner long and apply the shadow quite widely because I have a double eyelid only on one side of my eyes. Since the liner of this product was quite light, I had to use an extra black eyeliner. Should I call it a point shadow color rather than an eyeliner? It would be actually better to mix several shadows because I believe the colors stands out a bit too much for a shadow base. 

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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