Sunday, December 16, 2012

ETUDE HOUSE Silk Scarf Hair Treatment 200ml Review

ETUDE HOUSE Silk Scarf Hair Treatment 200ml

에뛰드하우스 실크 스카프 헤어 트리트먼트 200ml
Etude House Silk Scarf Hair Treatment 200ml


오일 콤플렉스가 컨디셔닝 효과와 동시에 손상된 모발을 집중 케어해주는 고영양 트리트먼트

샤이닝 오일 콤플렉스로 손상모 관리
동백오일, 아르간오일, 해바라기씨오일, 마가다미아씨오일 등 4가지 오일 콤플렉스가 모발 깊숙히 침투하여 영양감을 부여하고 염색이나 펌 등으로 인한 갈라지고 손상된 모발을 매끄럽고 건강하게 관리해 줍니다.

촉촉한 수분 케어
바오밥나무 추출물이 함유되어 모발 속 수분을 공급해주어 항상 촉촉하고 생기있는 모발을 유지합니다.

은은한 퍼퓸 헤어
프루티 워터리 플로랄 계열의 고급스러운 향기가 은은하게 지속되어 향기로운 머릿결로 가꾸어 줍니다.

사용방법 : 샴푸 후 흐르지 않을 정도로 물기를 제거해 줍니다. 트리트먼트를 모발에 도포한 후 1~3분 정도 마사지한 후 충분히 헹구어줍니다.손상이 심한 경우 모발에 도포하고 5분정도 지난 후 충분히 헹구어 줍니다.

It is a high-nutrient treatment in which the oil complex provides the conditioning effect and intensively takes care of your damaged hair.

Takes care of your damaged hair with the shining oil  complex
The four oil complex, including camellia oil, argan oil, sunflower seed oil and macadamia seed oil, provides nutrition to your hair and manages the hair that's been damaged by dyes or perms into smooth and healthy hair. 

Intensive moisture care
It helps you maintain a moist and lively hair with the extracts from baobab trees.

Delicate perfume hair
It enables you to have a fragrant hair with the luxurious fragrance of fruity watery floral extracts. 

How to use: Wipe off the water on your hair so that it doesn't drop after washing your hair. Apply the treatment on your hair and massage it for about 1-3 minutes and wash it off completely. Wash the treatment off after approximately five minutes if you hair is badly damaged. 

예전부터 염색을 주기적으로 하고, 파마하고, 머리에 많은 짓(?)들을 했더니
정말 밑도 끝도 없이 상해버린 제 머릿결... 지나가는 강아지의 털보다도 더욱 거친 머릿결을 자랑하는데요. 트리트먼트가 다 떨어졌다는 이유만으로 샴푸-린스만 사용해왔는데
이젠 정말 안되겠다 싶어서!!!!! 구입한(?) 에뛰드하우스의 실크 스카프 헤어트리트먼트!!
후... 나홀로 고독을 씹으며 리뷰를 시작합니다...돌아와 내 머릿결아...

My hair is badly damaged because I've been dyeing my hair almost periodically, did perms and many things that would hurt my hair. My hair is almost like a dog fur and I've been only using a shampoo and a rinse because I was out of treatment. This is the product that I finally bought. Let me start my review on ETUDE HOUSE Silk Scarf Hair Treatment. Oh gosh~ I want my hair to me silky again~

 너무나도 상큼한 패키지에요!
따로 케이스는 없구요. 온라인에서 주문하였는데 곱게곱게 뾱뾱이에 쌓여져서 도착했답니다^^
패키지부터가 핑크빛으로 너무 사랑스러워요! 도트무늬와 가운데 박혀있는 로고까지!
솔직히 패키지가 넘 이뻐서 갖고싶었답니다 T^T 언제나 그렇듯 에뛰드하우스는 패키지가 너무 갖고싶어요 ㅎㅎ

It's such an adorable package. It does not have a case. I ordered it online and it arrived with all these bubble wraps. :) The package is in pink and it's very lovely!  There are the dot patterns and the logo at the center! I actually wanted to buy this because the package was so pretty. :) The packages of Etude House always make me want to have them. LOL :)


용량은 200ml로, 개인적으로는 가격대비 많은 용량이라고 생각되요^^
한손에 버겁게 들어오는 사이즈! 이런거 완전 좋아합니다ㅎㅎ
뚜껑부분이 특이해요ㅎㅎㅎ 밋밋한 원이 아니라 뾰족뾰족+_+!

The volume is 200ml and I personally think it's a lot by considering its price. :)
The product fits right in your hand! I like products like these. LOL
The lid quite extraordinary. LOL It's kind of spiky!

주의하실 점이 입구가 생각보다 넓더라구요. 저는 이만큼 짤 생각이 없었는데 살짝만 눌러도 이렇게 많이 나온답니다.
물론 실제로 머리에 하실 때는 적당한 양일 수 있지만 
너무 세게 누르시면 과하게 나올 수 있으니 조심하셔야 할 것 같아요^^
제형은 약간 쫀득한 느낌이에요. 만졌을 때 일반 시중에 있는 트리트먼트 제품들보다 살짝 더 쫀쫀한 느낌이었어요.
그리고 무엇보다 향기가 굉장히 좋습니다. 은은한 꽃향기가 나는데요.
패키지와, 그리고 내용물의 컬러와 향기의 3박자가 상큼하게 어우러져있어요!

예전에 어떤 분이 왜 실크스카프인지 알겠다는 글을 쓰신 적이 있는데요
사용해보고 나니 저도 왜 그 이름인지 딱 알겠더라구요!
달콤하고 은은한 향에 사용 후 린스를 따로 하지 않아도 될 정도로 부드럽고 촉촉함이 느껴져요!
제 머릿결이 워낙 푸석푸석해서 일주일을 안감아야 겨우 보송해지는 편인데.
트리트먼트를 사용하니 확실히 피부에 찰랑거리고 푸석함이 없어집니다!
무엇보다 트리트먼트를 하고 난 후에 머리에서 느껴지는 그 향기!
단 기간에 바뀌는 드라마틱한 효과는 없지만 꾸준히 사용하면 눈에 띄게 머릿결이 촉촉해질 것 같습니다^^
헤에브랜드제품들보다 오히려 추천하고 싶은 제품이에요. 개인적으로 굉장히 만족스럽네요^^

The hole was bigger than I've expected. I didn't mean to take out that much, but a lot came out when I squeezed it. Of course, it would be an appropriate amount if you were putting on your hair.. but you should be careful about it because a lot comes out if you squeeze it too hard. :)
The treatment is a bit sticky. It was stickier than ordinary treatments. And I must mention that the smell was really good. It has a delicate fragrance of flowers. It's such a great combination of the package, the color of the content and the fragrance!

I remember a person writing a review about why this product is called the 'silk scarf' hair treatment. I exactly knew why they named it like this after using it! It has a very sweet and delicate smell and your hair becomes extremely smooth and moist.. even to the extent that you don't have to do the rinse. My hair becomes quite smooth when I don't wash it for about a week because my hair is extremely rough and dry. But those roughness and dryness all had disappeared after using this treatment! It doesn't change your hair dramatically or anything, but you'll sure be able to see its effects if you use if continuously for some time. It's a product that I would like to recommend even more than those products by famous hair brands. I am personally very satisfied with it. :)

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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