Sunday, December 16, 2012

Etude House Drawing Eye Brow Review

Etude House Drawing Eye Brow

 에뛰드하우스 드로잉 아이브로우 AD
3호 갈색 (0.2g)

진짜 내 눈썹처럼 자연스럽게 얼굴 윤곽을 살려주는 아이브로우 펜슬
깔끔하고 섬세한 눈썹 연출: 삼각의 모양을 가진 펜슬로 각도를 이용하면 한올한올 갈끔하고 섬세한 눈썹 연출이 가능
자연스러운 발색력: 내온도성이 우수하여 항상 적당한 경도를 유지함으로써 일정한 사용감으로 자연스러운 발색 유지
감쪽같은 내 눈썹 표현: 색소와 베이스의 조화로 색감이 한 번에 진하게 표현되지 않고 여러번 덧발라 자연스럽게 진짜 내 눈썹처럼 표현
Etude House Drawing Eye Brow  AD No.3 : Brown (0.2)
An eyebrow pencil that naturally makes the outlines of the face stand out as if it's your real eyebrows

A clean and delicate styling of eyebrows: The triangular pencil enables you to style a clean and detailed eyebrows with its angles. 
Natural colors: It has an outstanding temperature resistance and maintains the natural colors with a regular usability by maintaining a proper temperature. 
The styling of brand new eyebrows: The balance between coloring substances and the base prevents the thick expressions of colors and allows you to express the eyebrows that seem very real in a very natural way. 

에뛰드하우스 아이브로우인 드로잉 아이브로우에요.
샤넬 아이브로우도 다 사용해가고, 아이브로우 섀도우 팩트는 있지만, 
펜슬이 요새는 편해서~!
직접 구매한 제품입니다~!

This is  'Drawing Eye Brow', a product of Etude House that helps you draw your eyebrows. 
This is a product that I've personally purchased because I am almost done using the eyebrow by Chanel and also because I prefer pencils more these days even though I have an eyebrow shadow pact.

펜슬은 일반적인 아이브로우 펜슬 타입이에요.
총 6가지의 컬러가 있답니다.

1호 흑갈색, 2호 회갈색, 3호 갈색, 4호 진회색, 5호 회색, 6호 검정!

The pencil is an ordinary eyebrow pencil-type.
There are six colors in total. 
No.1 is  dark brown, no.2 is gray-brown, no.3 is brown, no.4 is dark gray, no.5 is gray and no.6 is black. 

저는 그 중에 3호 갈색을 골랐어요~!

I chose no.3 brown among them~!

용량은 총 0.2g이에요.

The volume is 0.2g in total. 

양쪽 뚜껑을 열면 요렇게~! 

This is how it looks like when you open both of the lids on each side~!!

한 쪽에는 브러쉬, 한 쪽에는 아이브로우 펜슬!

The brush is in one side and the eyebrow pencil is in the other side!

브러쉬 부분이에요~!
이렇게 달려있기는 하지만 저는 거의 사용하지 않는 듯~! 

This is the brush~!
Even though the brush is there, I don't really use it that much. 

그리고 아이브로우!!!
무엇보다 오토이기 때문에 편한!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And there is the eyebrow!!
I must say that it's extremely convenient because it is an auto-type!

신기한것은 심이 이렇게 삼각형 모양를 하고 있다는 것~!
그래서 넓은 부분, 얇은 부분 고루 표현이 가능해요~!

What's interesting is that it is in a triangular shape. 
Therefore, it allows you to style wider areas, thinner areas and etc.

돌려서 나온 부분~!

This is the part that come out when you turn it around~!

손발색 볼께요~!  

Let's take a look at the colors on the back of my hands~!

허나 굉장히 연한 갈색은 아니에요~!
그냥 딱 갈색~~~~~ 이렇게 손등에 발색 했을때는 잘 안그려지는 듯 하지만, 
눈썹에서는 아주 잘 그려진답니다 ^^

As you can see, it's brown. It's not an extremely light brown.
It's a pure brown. Even though it may not seem very good on the hand, it applies extremely well on your eyebrows. :)

워터프루프는 아니구요~! 비누세안 했더니 싸악 지워져요 ^^

It's not waterproof and it erases very easily with soap. :)

그럼, 사용전/후 볼께요!

Let's take a look at the before & after photograph!

왼쪽이 사용전, 오른쪽이 후~!!!!

제가 요거 구매하기 전에 리뷰를 찾아봤는데요~!
지속력이 약했다는 분들이 있으셨어요~ 아무래도 피부타입때문에도 작용할 거 같은데요~
저에게는 괜찮았어요~ 지성이었지만, 지워진다거나, 먹는다거나 하지는 않았거든요~
아무래도 지속력은 개인차가 있으니 한 번 테스트해보시는것이 ^^

다만 요거보다 한 톤 더 밝은 갈색이 있었으면 좋겠어요 ㅜㅜ
저렴하면서도, 삼각형 모양이라서 그리기 쉽고, 이정도만 이 가격에 지속력도 굿~!
캬아~~~~ 싸고 좋네~~~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The photograph on the left is before applying the product and the photograph on the right is after using the product. 

I searched for a review on this product before I bought this and many people said that it didn't last very long. I think this really depends on your skin type. The product was quite good on me. It didn't get erased very easily or smudged even though I had a dry skin. I recommend that you try out the product yourself because this really depends on each person. :) I wish they had a slightly brighter tone than this the one that I bought. It has an affordable price and it's very easy to draw because it has a triangular shape. I am very satisfied with this by considering its price. In addition, I can say that it lasts for quite a long time considering its price. LOL :)

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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