Thursday, December 20, 2012

VOV Two Way Cake Skin Cover Review

VOV Two Way Cake Skin Cover

이 제품은 제대로 화장품세계에 발을 들여다 놓은 마법의 제품 되겠습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
This product is a magical product that has stretched its legs into the world of cosmetics. LOL :)

가격은 오픈마켓에서 구매하는게 확실이 저렴하고 좋아요.
It's always a good idea to check the prices on various open markets before you actually buy them. 

오픈마켓에서 구매했는데 제조일자도 괜찮고 ☞...☜
I bought this at an open market and I had no problems with the manufacturing date. 

솔직히 피지흡수와 번들거림없는건 구라예요....
기초와 베이스를 어떤거 사용하느냐에 다르지만 유분이 굉장한 제품이라..
여름보다는 겨울에 사용하는게 좋아요. (겨울마다 사는 제품 굿)
유분기가 많다고 위에 파우더를 사용하면 진짜 정말....
아줌마 + 나 화장떡칠했수다 피부가 될 수 있으니
그 유분을 반대로 살리는것도 좋은 방법이예요!

Frankly speaking, sebum absorption and no oiliness would be a lie.
It really depends on what sort of base you are using, but I recommend that you use it during winter because it is a product with much oil. (All the products that I bought during winter were good) Because there is a great chance that your skin might become extremely old-looking and thick if you apply the powder on top of it just because there is much oil, it would be a better idea to actually use that oiliness for you advantage. 

제품하나에 본품 + 리필형이 들어있어요 솔직히 좋음..
10g X 2..  한국콜마제조 제품이고 24개월내에 사용해야해요.

There is a puff for the use and a puff for the refill. I really like that.
10g X 2 It is manufactured by Kolmar, a South Korean company, and you ought to use it within 24 months. 

가볍게 터치해서 비포 에프터가 뚜렷하게 나오진 않아요.
하지만 얼굴에 사용했을떄는 비포에프터 굿...!
색상은 제 기억으로는 3가지 21호 23호 33호가 있었던걸로 기억하는데
33호는 어둡다 못해서 살짝 붉은기가 돌아요. 피부가 어두우신분들이 사용하시기 좋은데
붉은기가 있어서 사용전에 베이스를 잘 잡아주셔야해요.
저번에 33호 사용했다가 피본경험이 있어서 23호 사용했는데
23호는 시중에 나온 색과 비슷해요.
오픈마켓이나 동네 화장품가게(?)에서 자주 파는데 이 두군데는 23호와 33호만 있더라구요.
테스터가 가능하면 한번 해보고 구매하시는게 좋을꺼 같아요.

You won't be able to see a big difference because I tapped it quite softly.
However, I was able to see a huge difference when I put them on my face.
I remember them having three types, including no.21, 23 and 33. no.33 is extremely dark to the extent that it's red. It's good for those people who have dark skin tones, but you should control the base very well because there is a bit of red in it. I am currently using No.23 because I have a terrible experience with no.33. The color of no.23 is similar to those products in the market.
They are often found in open markets or cosmetics stores near your house and they only had no.23 and 33. I wouldn't be a bad idea to test them before you buy them. 

웬만한 컨실러보다 좋은 제품
보통 트윈케익제품이 커버력이 좋은건 알고있었지만 이 제품은 가격도 저렴하고
커버력도 굉장했어요. 여드름흉터가 있는 피부가 아니라면
여드름이나 기미, 잡티에도 좋아요.
단접이라면 아까 말했듯이 유분기가 있다는 단점과 잘못사용하면 두꺼워진다는 점이예요.

It's a better product than ordinary concealers. 
I was aware that it had better covering capabilities than ordinary twin-cake products, but the price was extremely fair and the covering capabilities were amazing as well. It is a great product for those who have pimples, freckles or blemishes. It would be a nice product unless you are pimple scars on your face. One of disadvantages is that it's a bit oily and your face may become a bit thick if you don't use it in the right way. 

그래서 전 에어퍼프를 이용하지요 ㅋㅋㅋ
아모레퍼시픽라인인 아리따움이나 이니스프리 같은
매장에 가면 2000원에 구매할 수 있어요.
밑면이 파란색으로 일반 퍼프와는 좀 달라요.
일반 내장퍼프도 쫀쫀해서 나쁘진 않지만 에어퍼프를
사용하면 좀 더 가볍고, 밀착력이 높아져요.

And that's why I use an air puff. LOL :)
This can be purchased for 2,000 KRW at stores like ARITAUM or INNISFREE, which are the sub-brands or Amore Pacific. bottom part is blue and it's a bit different than ordinary puffs. 
The basic puff in the product is quite good, but air puffs are much lighter and provides better grip.

단점이라면 네모난 모양이 없어서 안 들어 감 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
전체적으로 좋아서 겨울마다 이용하는 제품이고,
이 제품전에 베이스를 어떻게 사용하냐가 관건이예요.
리퀴드 파운데이션도 수분함량이 높은 제품을 사용하시던가 아니면
비비크림으로 가볍게 바르고 사용해주시면 좋아요.
또 페이셜오일같은걸 퍼프에 살짝 묻히고 사용하면 광채피부 ㅋ 은은한 광이 나여

단점이라면....사용하시는분에 따라서 무거움을 느낄수있고,
살짝 두께감이 있었어요. 또 제품에 먼지가 너무 마니 껴요 ㅎㅎㅎ
이걸 제외하면 커버력이나, 밀착력면에서도 좋고 전체적으로 좋은 제품인거 같아요!

한가지 팁이 있다면 너무 뜨거운곳에 두면 제품이 녹기 쉬워서 사용때 불편함이..
너무 차가운곳에 있으면 제품이 얼기 쉬워서 사용때 불편함이..
제일간단하게 화장대 구석에 쳐박이 두는게.. ㅎㅎ
그리고 제품이 조금씩 남으면 조그만 통을 준비하고 제품을
드라이기로 녹여서 담으면 컨실러로도 사용가능해요

One of the disadvantages of using an air puff would be that it does not fit in the case. LOL :)
Generally speaking, it is a product that I use every winter because it's very good in the overall sense. The important thing is how you use the base before you use this product. For liquid foundations, you could simply use a product that has much moisture or use it after lightly applying the BB cream. In addition, you'll be able to have a delicate and glossy skin if you apply products like facial oil in a small amount. LOL :)

Another disadvantage would be that it can be a bit heavy depending on the person using it and it is a bit thick. And too much dirt is being piled up in the product.  Other than these, it's a fairly good product in general. 

If I may give you a tip, the product may easily melt in hot conditions. 
And the product may freeze if you store it in cold places. 
The best way is throwing it away in one of the corners of your dressing table after using it. LOL :) And if you have leftovers, prepare a small case and pour the leftovers by heating them up with a hair dryer. You'll be able to use it as a concealer in that way. 

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them. 

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