Wednesday, December 12, 2012

ETUDE HOUSE Sun Prise Natural Corrector Review

ETUDE HOUSE Sun Prise Natural Corrector

사무직으로만 일을 해왔기때문에 여름철이 되어도 
자외선에 많이 노출이 되지 않는다고 생각했는데
실내 자외선도 무시할 수준이 아니라는걸 작년쯤에야 알았던 것 같아요..ㄷㄷㄷ ;;
그래서 여름뿐만아니라 사계절 내내 자외선차단제는 신경써서 발라주어야한다는데
그게 비비크림이나 파운데이션에 녹아있는 자차지수로만 만족할게 아니라고 하더라구용.

선크림은 권장사용기한이 길지 않아서 애초에 비싼건 생각도 안했고 ㅎㅎ
에뛰드 매장 설렁설렁 구경하다가 메이크업 베이스 겸용의 선케어 제품을 골라왔어용.
에뛰드하우스 선프라이즈 내추럴 코렉터! 나온지 얼마 안된 따끈따끈 신상이예요!

I've been thinking that I was not really exposed to ultraviolet rays even during summer because I've always had an office job. It was last year that I've finally realized that I cannot actually ignore the indoor ultraviolet rays. People say that I should apply the sunblock in all seasons and I shouldn't be satisfied with the ultraviolet ray protection level of BB creams or foundations. 

I didn't even think about buying an expensive sunblock in the first place because it has a very short expiration date. I bought this sun care product that can also be used as a make-up base  while strolling through the Etude House store. The name of the product is 'ETUDE HOUSE Sun Prise Natural Corrector'. It a new product that has been just released!

튜브타입의 에뛰드하우스 선프라이즈 내추럴 코렉터 ~
핑크색과 노랑색으로 톡톡 튀네용.ㅎㅎ
앞에는 왕잠자리 쓰고 있는 언니야가 딱 !!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

같은 라인의(?) 비슷한 패키지디자인을 한 제품이 여러개 나왔던데
구입하실 때 꼭 제품에 써있는 이름 잘 보고 구입하세용 ㅎㅎ 
선크림 전용 클렌저도 나왔거든요.
선크림 산답시고 샀는데 가져와보니 클렌저이면.. 대략난감 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^_ㅠ

ETUDE HOUSE Sun Prise Natural Corrector is a tube-type product.
The pink and the yellow really stand out a lot. LOL
The girl with a dragonfly on her head looks look cute as well. LOL

There were several other series products with a similar design and I encourage you to look at the name correctly before you buy them. LOL 
I am saying this because they've also released a cleanser for sunblocks. 
I would be quite discouraging to find out later that you bought the wrong product. LOL :)

선프라이즈 내추럴코렉터는 SPF42/PA++ 로 여름에 쓰기 좋은 
자외선차단지수를 가지고 있어요.
메이크업베이스, 주름과 미백케어의 효능을 가지고 있다고 하네용.
저는 메이크업베이스로의 역할만 보고 구입했어요. 주름이나 미백은.. 흠냐흠냐^^;;

파운데이션이나 비비크림에 포함되는 자외선차단지수만 
믿지말고 따로 꼭 선크림을 챙겨바르라고 하던데
선크림바르고 비비크림이나 파운데이션 바르고... 그럼 얼굴이 너무 무거우니깐 ㅜㅜ
비비크림을 좀 가볍게 바르려고 메베기능도 포함된걸로 산건데,
굳이 메베기능이 없더라도 대부분 선크림은 베이스로 생각하고 많이 쓰지용

The sun protector factor for ETUDE HOUSE Sun Prise Natural Corrector is SPF42/PA++ and this is a pretty good level to be used during summer. This product is known to have the effects of make-up base, wrinkle enhancement and whitening effects. I bought it solely by looking at the roles as a make-up base. Wrinkles and whitenings do not apply on me. :)

People say that I shouldn't only trust the BB cream's sun protector factor and that I should put on the sunblock. But my face becomes too thick and heavy if I put on the sunblock and the BB cream. And that is why I bought a product that has the make-up base function. Even though it does not have the make-up base function, I usually use the sunblock as a base. 

단상자없이 플라스틱 비닐 포장이라서 전성분표가 비닐에 붙여져있어요.ㅎㅎ
비닐을 벗겨내면 안뇽....ㅎㅎ

The ingredients are written on the vinyl because it is wrapped by a plastic vinyl without a box. LOL The ingredients tag comes off when you unwrap the vinyl. LOL

플라스틱 비닐을 살살 벗겨*-_-*줍니당. 우헤헤

I am unwrapping the plastic vinyl. LOL

놀랍도록 뽀얗고 매끄러운 피부톤을 위한 메베 겸용 선크림 ㅎㅎ

제가 원래 어두운 피부도 아니고, 요철이 심한 피부도 아니어서 효과를 퐉! 느낄 순 없었지만
사용해본결과! 저 문구가 허위는 아닌 것 같아요. *_*)b
선크림의 백탁현상으로 허-옇게 들뜨는 것이 아니라 정말 뽀얗게 ㅎㅎ 되더라구요.
매끄러운것까지는 모르겠어용..^^;; 원래 울퉁불퉁 올록볼록하지 않다보니..쩝..

다만.. 약간 쿨톤으로 하얗게 되기때문에 
누런 피부나 어두운 피부에는 동동 뜰수도 있을 것 같아요.
구입하시기전에 꼭 매장에서 목 부위에 발라보시길 권장합니당 !!
저같은 경우엔 원래 19~21호정도 쓰고 뉴트럴톤으로 추정(..)하고 있으며, 
피부톤이 불균형한 피부인데요
전체적으로 피부톤 균형을 잡아주면서 딱 자연스럽게 뽀얘져서 마음에 들었어요.

It's a sunblock and also a make-up base for a surprisingly white and smooth skin tone.  LOL

Even though I was not able to experience its dramatic effects because my skin isn't really dark or is a kind of skin that has a lot of uneven areas, but I don't think that phrase on the product is a lie. :) It's not that your face becomes white by its white turbidity, but it does become white very naturally. It didn't actually make my face smooth or anything because I cannot say that my face is uneven. 

Since your skin becomes white by its cool tones, it may not be really suitable for those people who have yellow or dark skins. I strongly recommend that you try it out on your neck before you buy them. I usually use no.19~21 (New balance tone) and I skin tone isn't really balanced. 
I really liked this product because it balanced my overall skin tone and made my skin white very naturally. 

버진씰없이 바로 빵꾸뽕뽕 ㅎㅎ
구멍은 작지만 우습게 보면 안됩니당.. 아직 양이 많아서그런지 푹푹 잘 나와요.ㅎㅎ
힘이 센 것도 아닌데 힘조절은 아직도 어려움 ^_ㅠ

The mouth is not covered with a virgin seal. LOL
Even though this hole looks very small, you shouldn't underestimate it. The cream comes out very well and I believe this is because there is so much in it. 
It's still very hard for me to control my power. It's not like I am extremely strong or anything. :)

여리여리한 핑크색의 묽은 크림제형이예요. 
적은 양으로도 넓게 펴바를 수 있을정도로 부드러운 제형!
그치만 효과적인 자외선 차단을 위해서는 적당량을 충분히 발라주는게 좋다고 했어요.
너무 많이도 안돼고, 너무 적게도 안돼고!^^*

The cream is in soft pink and the texture is quite watery.
It's a kind of texture that can be applied on the skin very widely with a small amount!
But it's recommended that you only apply an appropriate amount in order to protect yourself against ultraviolet rays effectively. 
You shouldn't apply too much nor too less. :)

선크림치고는 유분기가 확연히 덜하면서 촉촉하게 발립니당.

For a sunblock, It really has a low amount of oil and applies to the skin very moistly.

안바른쪽에 비하면 바른쪽이 더 환해졌죠.ㅎㅎ
촉촉한 크림제형이라 바른 부위는 조명을 받으면 더 광이 나기도 하고..
일반 선크림에 비하면 유분감이 많이 느껴지지 않아서 좋았어요.

향은 soso한편.. 개인적으론 이니스프리 선케어 제품들 향이 다 싫어서  - ,-;;
같은 아모레 제품이다보니 에뛰드 선케어 제품도 향이 좀 걱정이 되었었는뎅..
선프라이즈 내추럴 코렉터는 향에 거부감이 들지 않더라구요. 여성스러운 향 ㅎㅎ
이거 어디서 많이 맡아본 향인데 ~~ ..

The area that I've applied the cream has become much brighter. LOL
The area with the cream becomes glossy when the light is shone because the texture is moist and creamy. I really liked this product because I was able to feel more oil compared to other sunblocks. 

The smell was sort of so so. I was a bit worried about the smell because I personally didn't like the smell of INNISFREE products. (As you may know, Etude House is also a product of Amore Pacific) However, I was quite satisfied with the mell of ETUDE HOUSE Sun Prise Natural Corrector. It has a girlish smell.. LOL
I think I smelled this smell somewhere else. 

(1)기초케어를 마친 얼굴에 (2) 선프라이즈 내추럴 코렉터를 '손으로' 펴발라줌! ㅎㅎ
베이스제품은 다 스펀지퍼프로 바르는데 
선프라이즈 내추럴 코렉터는 손이 더 잘발리더라구요.

원래 누리끼리하게 얼룩덜룩한 피부인데 ㅠㅠ 
전체적으로 하얀 피부로 톤이 맞춰졌어요.. *_*
우히힛 ㅋㅋㅋ 양을 너무 많이 바르면 동동 떠보일 수 있겠습네당.

주름케어 이런건 잘 모르겠고, 피부를 더 밝게 표현해주는 메이크업베이스 기능은 인정!
선크림 특유의 백탁현상이 아닌, 얼굴 전체적으로 균일한 쿨톤의 흰 피부로 변신..
아, 톤체인저를 굳이 안사도 됐었겠다.. 싶을정도로 정말 쿨톤의 피부가 된답니당.

I have applied ETUDE HOUSE Sun Prise Natural Corrector on the face that had finished the basic care with my hands. LOL. The cream applied better on the skin with hands. 

I usually have a yellowish and a messy skin, but the skin tone has become a lot more white in the overall sense. :) The cream may float on the face if you apply too much. 

Even though I didn't really experience any wrinkle enhancements, I would have to say the function of a make-up base was quite outstanding! It really does make your entire face white in a cool tone. Your skin really does become cool to the extent that you might think that you shouldn't have bought a tone changer. 

납작한 타입의 튜브여서 이렇게 손에 쥐기에도 편하고
크기가 크지 않으니까 가방 안쪽 파우치에 쏙쏙 넣고 다니기도 좋아요. 
(내 가방들 기준..ㅋㅋㅋ)
가지고 다니면서 중간중간 발라주고 팩트로 꾹 눌러주면 
수정화장도 되고, 자외선차단도 되고!

주말엔 어지간하면 화장을 안하고 다니는데.. 그래도 자외선차단제는 꼭 발라줘야되잖아용!
다른 선크림들에 비하면 유분기가 적어서 간단히 하나만 바르기에도 좋답니당. 
팩트 필요없음! (건성피부)
가격적으로도 부담이 없어서 일찍 찾아온 여름, 정말 잘 쓰고 있어유. 으하하^^

It fits right in your hand because it's a flat-type tube and it's also convenient to carry around in your pouch because it's not that big. 
(My bags are the standards here. LOL)
You'll be able to correct your make-ups and also protect the ultraviolet rays if you apply them and use a pact afterwards!

I don't usually do make-ups during the weekends, but I always put on the sunblock!
You can simply apply this and nothing more because it has such a low amount of oil compared to other sunblocks! (Dry skin) 
I think it's an extremely handy product that can be used during summer because it's also very cheap. LOL :)

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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