Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Etude House Hand Bouquet Rich Butter Hand and Heel Cream 100ml Review

Etude House Hand Bouquet
Rich Butter Hand and Heel Cream 100ml

육아에 정신없는 초보맘!!  아가가 깜빡 잠든 시간을  짬짬히 활용하여.. 
며칠만에...들고 온 리뷰 ㅡ.ㅡ;;
아~ 슬푸닼!ㅋㅋ
하루에도 거짓말 살짝 보태기 해서 50번은 넘게 씻는 제 손과...
비타민에 철분,칼슘 부족으로 온 몸에 껍질이 벗겨지는 요상하고 신기한 체험을 하고 있는
제 비루한 발을 지켜줄.. 핸드 앤 힐 크림 리뷰를 데리고 왔습니다.

제품은..에뛰드하우스  '핸드부케 리치버터 핸드앤 힐 크림'이구요.
애정동생 달팽사랑이 보내준 선물 중 하나였답니다.
그럼... 간단히 소개해드리는(이라고 쓰고 무지 힘겹게 쓴 리뷰라고 읽는다.)
핸드 앤 힐 크림 리뷰 함께 보실께용 ^^

전 사실.. 핸드크림은 손에...발에는 풋크림!!
따로따로 써야지!!라고 생각하고 늘~ 따로 구입해서 사용했었는데요.
손이랑 발이랑 어떻게 같을 수 있어???라는 생각때문에~ㅋ
요렇게 2 in 1 제품은 처음 만나보았네요.
튜브형태로 누르면  누른 모양  고대로 찌그러지는 고런 용기구요!
알루미늄인가?했는데..글치는 않구요!
치약같은 재질이예요!^^;;

I am an amateur mom who is completely busy taking care of her own children.  I am writing this review in my spare time because my baby went to sleep just now. Oh gosh~ I am so sad. LOL:)
I brought a review on a Hand and Heel Cream that will hopefully protect my hands that's being washed over 50 times a day and my feet that's losing its skin by the lack of vitamins, iron and calcium. The name of the product is 'Hand Bouquet Rich Butter Hand and Heel Cream' and it was one of the gifts that I got from my sister. I've always thought that hand creams are for the hands and foot creams are for the feet. This is the first time that I am actually using a  2 in 1 product. The container is kind of like a toothpaste.

인디핑크와 바이올렛 색상이 묘하게 섞인  튜브형태로
핸드부케라는 네이밍때문인지? 요사스럽게  꽃무늬가 화려한 고런 디자인이구요.
비닐래핑이 되어있어서 점선 따라서 쭉~ 벗겨내시면 되는~

용량 : 100ml
가격 : 7,000원 (회원가 :6,650원)

비닐래핑 위에 붙어있는 스티커 안에 전성분이 기재되어 있어서
확인하시고 뜯어버리시면 됩니다!

It is a tube-type which has mixed the indie pink with violet and the design is quite fancy with the flower designs. The product is wrapped up with vinyl and you can simple it unwrapping by taking them off. 

Volume : 100ml
Price: 7,000 KRW (6,650 KRW for the members)

The ingredients are written on the vinyl and you can just unwrap them after reading.

요렇게 뜯기 쉽고로~
It's very easy to unwrap them. 

개인적으로는 요런 튜브타입에 요런 딱꿍이 결합된 스타일은 별로 좋아하지는 않는데요...ㅋ
세워두고 사용하시는 분들을 위한 디자인이니..뭐~ 제 취향과는 상관없이 패쓰~
전 걍 편하게 뉘여 놓고 쓰기에~

토출구 크기는 요정도!!

I personally do not like the tube-type products like this but I guess it is for those people who like such things. I simply lay it down on the table as in the picture. 

This is the size of the hole. 

열었다 닫았다 하기 편하게 살짝 깍아놓은 모습! 깨알같은 배려네요.ㅋㅋ
It's been cut off so it's easier to open and close. What a kind consideration it is! LOL :)

본품의 내용물을 일단  은박씰로 덮어놓아서.. 요게  새상품이라는 거 확인 해주시구요 ^^

First check that it is a new product by looking at the foil on the top. 

아기가 자지러지게 절 찾는 바람에  거실로 자리를 옮겨서 다시 촬영모드~
은박씰 제거하면 하얀 속살이..뽀얗게 나타났구요!

I took the photographs in my living room because my baby began to kick me. 
You'll be able to see the white contents when you take off the foil on the top. 

주름 자글자글한 제 비루한 손등에..투척!!
리치버터란 이름답게~ 되직하고 쫀쫀한 느낌의 크림이구요!

I put some on my wrinkled hands. 
The rich butter cream gives you a thick and sticky feeling. 

손가락으로 슥슥 문질러주니 잘 펴발리는 편입니다.
되직한 제형에 비해 잘 발려요!!
향은 굉장히 화려한  꽃향기와 밀크향이 나는데요~
잔향이 오래가는지라~ 다음 손 씻을때까지도 쭈욱~ 남아있더라구요!!
다만,,,울 지민이는 얼굴을  홱~ 돌려버리더라는~쿨럭!!ㅋㅋ
아가가  향이 진해서 싫었던가봐요!ㅋㅋ

It applied to the skin very well when I rubbed it with my fingers.
The cream is thick and it applies very well.
It has the smell of flower and milk and the smell lasted even after I washed my hands. 
But my little baby turned her face away from it. LOL :) 
I guess babies don't really like the smell because the smell is too strong.  LOL :)

흡수력은 고만고만한 거 같아요..
유난히 미끌거린다거나,,리치한 잔여감이 많이 남거나 하는 느낌은 없었구요..
그렇다고 보송한 느낌도 없더라구요..
적당히 촉촉한 느낌정도??

The absorption wasn't bad. It wasn't too slippery nor left a feeling that the cream is still there..
but it wasn't very smooth and soft as well. I can say that it was moist enough. 

바른 부분과 그렇지 않은 부분은
육안으로도 확연히 차이를 보입니다.
확실히 매끄럽고 촉촉해보여요!!

The area with the cream on and the area without it show quite a big difference.
The area with the lotion on definitely looks more smooth and moist. 

비루한 손등보다..더더욱 비루한 제 발 ㅡ.ㅡ;;
얼굴뿐 아니라..몸 여기저기.... 각질도 아닌 것이.. 뱀 허물 벗겨나가듯~
껍질이 자꾸 벗겨져요 ㅡ.ㅡ;;;
(발을 안 씻는 건 아니~쿨럭!)

This is my pitiful feet that is even more pitiful than my pitiful hands. 
My face and all of body are peeling off, as if a snake is slipping out of his skin.
(I wash my feet all the time.. you know..)

요렇게..씻을때 때수건으로 밀어보기도 하고..
뒤꿈치 밀어내는 돌댕이로 박박 밀어도 봤는데...
얼굴에 바르는 로션을 발라봐도 머 그때 뿐~ 또 껍질이 일어나더라구요 ㅡ.ㅡ
나 파충류였던 거뉘?ㅠ.ㅠ;;

I tried peeling them off with a flannel, tried peeling them off with a piece of rock and and even put on the lotion that I put on my face, but it didn't help much.  Am I a reptile or something? :(

요즘 넘 심각한 제 발뒤꿈치!!
뒤꿈치만 보면 60대예요 ㅡ.ㅡ;;
농사짓는 것도 아닌데 두터워지고 갈라질 기미가 ㅠ.ㅠ;;;

This my my feet and it does look quite bad. 
People would think that I am in my sixties just by looking at my heels. 
I am not farming or anything, but my heels are becoming thicker everyday. :(

적당량씩 도포해서  발라주었답니다.

I applied an appropriate amount. 

쏘옥~쏘옥~ 바로 흡수되어 보습을 책임져 주는... 핸드 앤 힐 크림!
The Hand and Heel Cream that gets absorbed right away! 

좀 더 자세히??
발 뒤꿈치 사진인데요.. 주름 사이사이 결 따라 쏙쏙 스며들어서 안착!!
비닐씌우고 수면양말 신어주면 더 좋아지겠죠???
요건 비닐이나 수면양말없이 걍 쌩으로~ㅋㅋ 발라준 뒤예요!!ㅋ

This is a closer view. This is my heel and it get absorbed very well into the skin.
It would probably better if you wear sleeping socks. It's right after I put on the cream without wearing a vinyl or sleeping socks. 

껍다구가 일어나있던 발 옆구리~ㅋㅋ
잠재워진 각질들~ 다시 또 일어날테지만..자꾸 발라주면 효과 있지 않을까??싶어요..
자주 씻고 벗겨내면 좋겠지만..
그러다보면 발만 날씬해질까봐..ㅋㅋㅋ

This is the side view of my feet that had been peeling off its skin.
The dead skin cells have been calmed down. I am quite sure that they'll come up again, but it should get better if I put on the cream continuously. It would be great if I can wash it very often and take them off more frequently. But I am worried that my feet would be the only place that is slim. LOL :)

푸석푸석 사막같던 제 발들이..ㅋㅋ
오아시스를 만났나요? 금새 촉촉...매끈해보이는~~

My desert-like feet has met the oasis. It become moist and smooth very quickly!

일시적으로는 꼭 요 제품아니더라도..어떤 걸 발라도 매끈매끈 촉촉해 질꺼예요..
즉각적인 효과도 좋았지만..
지속력이 좋았던 게 칭찬해주고 싶었던 부분이고~
또 한가지는...
풋크림 바르고는 가스불을 꺼야하는데...발은 미끄덩거리고~
까치발을 들고 최대한 엄지발가락의 힘으로만   지탱해서 가스불 껏는데..
이미 거실이고.. 주방 바닥은  번들번들 내 발자국이 선명~쿨럭!
요런 경험!! 한번씩들 있쟎아요!ㅋㅋ

요건  리치한 크림타입인데도.. 미끄덩거리는 느낌이 많이 없네요..
흡수도 빠른편이고,,,  바로 스며들어서 속살은 촉촉하고 말이죠!

실제로 요거 바르고  지민양이 살짝 잠이 들었길래..
요 기회에 화장실 급하게 볼일 봐야지~했다가  걸레로  밟은 자리 좀 닦을까?했더니
전혀 자국이 없더라는~~ㅋ

그래서  요즘 자주 발라주고 있습니다...
물론 바른 후.. 전 다시 손을 씻어줘요...지민양이..고개를 돌려서리~ㅋㅋㅋ

I am quite sure that your feet will get a lot more smooth and moist when you put some cream on your feet. It really doesn't matter what sort of product that you put on. I really liked the immediate effect that it had on me and I also wanted to mention that it lasted for a long time. I am quite sure that many of you have experiences like this. You put on the foot cream on your feet and you have to turn off your gas. Then you would have to walk through your living room solely on your big toe. You finally turned off the gas but the entire living room is slippery and oily. LOL :)

Even though this is a rich cream-type, it is not too slippery or oily.
It absorbs very quickly and your skin becomes moist because it gets absorbs into the skin immediately. In fact, I tried to clean my living room while my baby was asleep, but I couldn't find any oil in the living room. So I am using this product a lot these days. Of course, I would wash my hands after using the product.. because my baby keeps on turning her head away. LOL :)

Click here to purchase the product.



Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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