Sunday, December 16, 2012

ETUDE HOUSE Silk Scarf Hologram Hair Serum 120ml Review

ETUDE HOUSE Silk Scarf Hologram Hair Serum 120ml

볼륨감과 홀로그램 시스템이 빛나는 윤기감을 더해주는 윤기강화 세럼

에뛰드하우스 "실크 스카프 홀로그램 헤어 세럼"

 용량 : 120ml

A silk scarf hologram hair serum that adds volume and shininess to your hair

ETUDE HOUSE 'Silk Scarf Hologram Hair Serum'

Volume: 120ml

제 머릿결이 파마 + 염색으로 엄청 나빠졌거든요.  
12월 생일 쿠폰이 있어서 30% 할인이 되니까 한번 사봤어요!

정말 효과가 있을까 ? 어떨까 ? 하는 마음에요....

My hair was very badly damaged because I did a perm and dyed by hair.
I bought this because I had a 30% discount coupon for my birthday in December.
I wondered.. would this really have any effects on my hair?...

머리감고 살짝 물기있는 머리에 세럼을 바를껀데요

많이 푸석푸석한 머리에요

I'll be applying the serum on my hair. 
My hair is a bit wet after washing my hair. 

As you can see, my hair is very rough and dry. 

저는 염색과 드라이기때문에 머리끝이 많이 상해있어요
미용실에서 상한 머리끝을 잘라냈는데 아직도 푸석푸석

The end of my hair is very badly damaged because I dyed my hair and dried my hair with a hair drying a lot. I cut off the end at a hair shop, but's still quite rough and dry. 

동백오일, 아르간오일, 해바라기씨오일,
마카다미아씨오일등 4가지 오일 콤플렉스가
모발 깊숙히 침투하여 영양감을 부여하고
염색이나 펌 등으로 인한 갈라지고 손상된 모발을 매끄럽고 건강하게 관리해 줍니다.

The four complexes, including camellia oil, argan oil, sunflower seed oil and macadamia seed oil, go deep in your hair to provide nutrition and it manages the hair that's been damaged by perms and dyeing into smooth and healthy hair. 

제조일은 2011년 10월 6일이네요

The manufacturing date is October 6th, 2011.

끈적한 액체상태를 보여드리려고 찍었어요

I took this photograph because I wanted to show you the liquid's stickiness.

이 세럼은 건조하고 푸석한 모발을 차분하고 부드럽게 만들어준다는데요

걸쭉한 액체상태 보이시죠? 엄청 걸쭉하고 끈적끈적하다는...

향은 너무 좋아요!프루티 워터리 플로랄 계열의 고급스러운 향기가 은은하게 지속되어 향기로운 머릿결로 가꾸어줍니다.

★★★사용 방법샴푸 후 물기를 제거한 다음 적당량을 손에 덜어 손상된 부분이나 부스스한 부분을 중심으로 마사지하듯 발라줍니다.

This serum is known to make the rough and dry hair to calm down and make them smooth.
Can you see how it's very sticky? It's really sticky..
It has a very good smell! The luxurious smell of fruity watery floral extracts lasts for a long time and therefore makes your hair nice and shiny. 

사진에서 왼쪽사진 머리엔 세럼을 발라줬어요 (비교해 보세요) 세럼을 너무 많이 발라서 인지 약간 떡짐(?)이 있어요 ;

오른쪽 사진은 세럼을 안바른 사진이구요
확실히 바른쪽과 안바른쪽은 머리를 꼬아줬을때 머리카락 끝부분이 살짝(?) 차이가 납니다.

The photograph on the left is when I applied the serum and the photograph on the right is when I didn't put on the serum. It really does quite a bit of difference on the end of of my hair when I curled my hair. 

왼쪽부분은 세럼 안바른 부분, 오른쪽은 바른 부분
The left is the part that I didn't put on the serum and the right is the part that I put on the serum


사실 엄청난 차이를 보이진 않았어요.
장점이라면, 향이 꽃향기가 나서 너무 좋았구요!

단점이라면 세럼의 효과를 너무 기대했던 탓인지 효과는 크게 없었던 것 같아요.
효과를 더 보려면 에센스를 발라주는게 더 낫겠죠?
저처럼 많은 양을 덜어서 바르다보면 떡짐이 있어서... 가닥가닥 뭉치는데요..
그 가닥가닥 뭉침은 딱딱하게 굳어져서 마치 스프레이를 뿌린 것 처럼... 변하네요 ㅠ_ㅠ

머릿결을 차분하고 부드럽게 만들고 싶으신 분들은
세럼대신 에센스를 추천해드립니다 :)

My evaluation

In fact, it didn't show that much of a difference.
What's good was that it had a very good smell!

What was a bit disappointing was that it didn't dramatically change my hair. Perhaps I've expected too much from it. You can try to apply a lot  if you want to see some big changes. 
The hair seemed to lump up a bit when I put them on little by little and the lumps hardened as if I sprayed hair sprays on it. I would rather recommend an essence than this serum for those who want to calm their hair down and make their hair smooth. :)

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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