Sunday, December 16, 2012

Etude House Drawing Show Cream Liner Review

Etude House Drawing Show Cream Liner

BK802 블랙 더블샷
용량: 4G

저렴이 제품중 토니모리 젤아이라이너가 핫한 아이템으로 떠올랐었는데
에뛰드하우스에서 나온 젤아이라이너도 토니모리 못지않게 잘나온 제품인것 같아요

드로잉쇼 크리미 라이너는 총 4가지 컬러로
스타일에 따라 컬러 선택하기 좋더라구요
블랙 퀵 원샷(퀵드라이)는 건조 시간이 빨라 아이라인 그릴때 뭍거나 번질 염려 없다고 하더라구요

BK802 Black Double-Shot
Volume: 4G

The gel-eyeliner by Tonymoly has become a hot item among the inexpensive products and 
I believe Etude House's gel-eyeline is also a great product as well. 'Drawing Show Cream Liner' has four colors and it can be used for creating various styles according to your needs. 
Since Black Quick One-Shot (Quick Dry) dries up very quickly, you do not have to worry about smudging or smearing. 

선물 포장같은 디자인의 케이스로
에뛰드하우스하면 생각나는 핑크컬러~!!

The product looks like a gift and it is in pink!
Pink is a color that reminds of Etude House~!

뒷면에 제품설명과 사용설명이 상세히 적혀있어요

The product overview and the product description are on the back. 

깔끔한 원형 케이스와 내장 브러쉬가 들어가있어요

A round case and a brush are in the product. 

블랙케이스 위에 핑크컬러로 여성스럽고 귀여운 케이스!

There is a pink logo on the black case and the entire package is very girlish and cute!

밑면에는 제품명과 제조일자가 적혀 있으니 꼭! 확인해 주세요

The product name and the manufacturing date are on the bottom. So please check them.

브러쉬가 함께 들어가 있어 따로 구매하지 않아도 되고
브러쉬가 부드럽고 날렵한 라인을 쉽게 그릴수있어
 눈매를 또렷하게 살려주기 좋더라구요

브러쉬모가 탱탱하고 부드러워서 아이라인을 그릴때 자극없이 그려졌어요
납작한 타입이라 초보들도 얇은 라인 그리기 쉬울거 같아요
브러쉬는 뚜껑을 끼워 길게 사용할수있어 휴대도 편하고 사용하기도 편햇어요
젤아이라이너는 크기가 작고 묵직해 휴대하기도 좋아요
케이스가 두꺼워 내용물은 생각보다 적게 들어가 있어요

I didn't have to buy an extra brush because the brush is included in the package. 
You can easily draw sharp eyes because the brush is extremely soft and also because it's very easy to draw the lines. It was very convenient to draw the lines because the wool of the brush was flexible and soft. It would be also very easy for those who are not familiar with drawing because it's the brush is flat. The brush was very convenient to carry around because I was able  to put a lid on it and also because I was able to use it by expanding it. The gel-eyeliner is very convenient to carry around because it's very small weighty. It had less contents than I've expected because the case was thick . 

저는 블랙더블샷 구매했는데
라인을 그리고 바로 눈을 뜨면  도장이 살짝 뭍어나오긴하지만
5초~10초정도 건조한후 눈을뜨면 도장찍힐일은 거의없더라구요
블랙더블샷도 상당히 진한 블랙이라
선명한 눈을 연출하고싶으면 블랙이좋은것같아요
네츄럴함이 좋을땐 그레이나 브라운이 좋겠죠?
 이 두컬러도 너무 궁금해지네요

I bought the Black Double-Shot and even though it smudged a bit when I opened my eyes right after drawing the line, it wouldn't smudge if you open your eyes after drying them for about 5-10 seconds. I think black is a good color if you want to draw vivid and clear eyes. Gray or brown would be better if you prefer natural colors. I really want to try out the other two colors as well. 

쌩눈!! 앞모습이네요, 부끄럽~ㅋㅋ

This is my eyes without applying anything. I am so embarrassed! LOL 


테스트 컷!!

This is a test photograph!

밀착력이 좋아서인지 아이라인의 지속력도 좋고 보다 선명한 색상의 발색이 좋더라구요

The lines on the eyes lasted for a long time and the colors were quite distinct. 

 펄없는 진한 블랙색상!!
개인적으로 펄이 들어간 제품은 별로 안좋아해
또렷해 보이는 컬러감이 더 마음에 들었어요

This is the black that has no pearls in it!
I liked the vivid colors more because I personally don't like products with pearls in it. 

아이라이너가 부드럽게 발려 번짐이 있을까 걱적되었는데 12시간째 사용한결과!
번짐은 물론 지워짐도 거의 없었어요
아직도 눈매가 또렷또렷~!!

**전체적으로 발림이나 컬러감이 너무 맘에들었어요
토니모리 젤라이너가 저렴이 왕좌인지알았는데,
에뛰드하우스 드로잉 쇼 크리미 라이너가 더 좋은것같아요
발림과 브러쉬가 더 빛을 바랬다능,,ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
딥하고 다크한 컬러감이라 언더에는 바르기 힘들것같더라구요

번짐없고 지속력강한 젤라이너를 찾으시는 분들은
드로잉 쇼 크리미 라이너 적극추천해드려욧,ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I was a bit worried because the eyeliner applied so smoothly. But after using it for about 12 hours, I realized that it didn't smudge. Also, the eyeliner didn't get erased much. My eyes were sharp after a long period time. In general, I really liked the color and how it applied to the skin so smoothly. I thought Tonymoly's eyeliner was the best among the cheap products, but Etude House Drawing Shoow Creamy Liner is even better. Etude House's eyeliner applied better and had a better brush. LOL. However, it cannot be applied on the under because it has a deep and  dark color. I strongly recommend 'Drawing Show Creamy Liner' for those who are looking for a gel-eyeliner that does not smudge and last for a long time. 

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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