Sunday, December 16, 2012

Etude House Milk Talk Body Wash Review

Etude House Milk Talk Body Wash

에뛰드 하우스 밀크토크 바디워시 (딸기우유)
달콤하고 부드러운 거품과 이야기하듯
즐겁게 샤워하는 딸기우유향의 사랑스러운 바디워시 

용량 및 가격 : 200ml

Etude House Milk Talk Body Wash (Strawberry milk)
It's a sweet and adorable body wash with the smell of strawberry milk
Volume : 200ml

* 직접 구매한 제품으로 작성한 자유로운 포스팅입니다 *
* The reviewer had personally purchased the product and written the review. 

2주 전, 에뛰드 하우스에 헤어 미스트 뿌리러 갔다가
향 좋은 바디 제품들 대여섯가지 데려왔어요.

좋아하는 브랜드의 좋아하는 향이 딱딱 정해져있고
평소에 쓰는 제품만 계속 찾는 외골수였는데!
밀크토크 딸기향 맡아보고 완전 꽂혔음 


총 5가지 향이 있었는데
개인적으론 딸기우유향이 제일 낫더라구요!

요기에 스폰지까지 씌워져 있어서 완전 귀엽ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
딸기 샤워 스폰지도 탐났는데 그건 별매품이었어요. 

집에 새것으로 나뒹구는 샤워볼들도 많아서
전 그냥 바디워시만 구입했답니다ㅋㅋㅋ

I went to Etude House to try out some of hair mists out there two weeks ago and bought 5-6 six body products that had great smell. I've never used other products other than the products that I've been using, but I really became fond of this product when I smelled the fragrance. It had the smell of strawberry milk and it was so good! 

Strawberry milk fragrance / banana milk fragrance / apple milk fragrance / baby powder fragrance / chocolate milk fragrance

There are five kinds of fragrance and I personally liked the strawberry milk the most!
I also wanted to buy the strawberry shower sponge, but they were not included in the package. 
I only bought the body wash because I had several shower bolls that were lying at home. LOL 

은은한 베이비핑크빛 귀여우다.
외관은 그냥 평범. 우유병 같기도 하구요.

200ml인데 생각보다도 더 앙증맞아 보여요 

용기가 작고 귀엽고 가볍기 때문에
여행갈때나 목욕갈때 완전 좋을 것 같아요.

This is the delicate baby pink Etude House Milk Talk Body Wash. 
It's so adorable. It looks quite normal.. It sort of looks like a milk carton. 
It's 200ml and it's looked even more adorable than I've expected.
I think it's a perfect product for trips or when you are going for a bath. 

귀여운 딸기그림이 그려져있습니다.

스티커 띠로 둘러졌는데 코팅처리가 되어 있어
욕실에서 두고 써도 물에 벗겨지거나 젖진 않아요!

You can see the cute strawberry on the product.
The sticker is on the product and it doesn't come off because it's been coated. 

케이스 뒷면에 제품설명이 기재되어 있구요.

You can also see the product description on the back of the product. 

제가 아까 말한 스폰지 씌워진 모습이 이런 모습ㅋㅋ
실제로 보면 짱 귀요미 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

근데 저건 몇 번 쓰면 금방 해질 것 같아요...

This is how the sponge looks like.. It's extremely cute if you actually see it. 
It feels like mine would become wear very quickly. 

제조일자는 하단에 찍혀있으니 확인하시구요.
사용기한은 개봉 후 12개월입니다.

Check the manufacturing date on the bottom.
The expiration date is 12 months from unsealing. 

본통을 들고 덜어쓰는 평범한 입구
입구 사이즈도 적당해요.

The lid is quite normal and you can take some off to a different bottle. 

옅은 핑크빛을 띄는 점성있는 텍스쳐!

수분감이 느껴지는 젤 타입으로 소량으로도 퍼짐성이 좋으며 거품도 잘나요.
따로 샤워볼을 사용하지 않아도 평균 이상의 거품은 나오더라구요.

바디워시 자체에서 나는 향은
완전 쌍큼하고 좋아요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
정확히 말해 딸기우유보단 새콤달콤 딸기향

고급스럽고 깊은 향과는 거리가 좀 있지만
누구나 좋아할 만한 가볍고 산뜻한 향이랄까요.

아기자기한 향 덕에
특히 소녀들이 좋아라할 것 같아요.

The liquid is in light pink and the texture is a bit sticky!
It's a gel-type with a quite a bit of moisture, applies very well on the skin and it creates the foam extremely well. The foam comes out very well even without an extra shower ball. The body wash also has a very good smell. To be precise, it has the smell of sweet and sour strawberry, rather than a strawberry milk. It doesn't really have a deep and luxurious smell, but it's a kind of smell that everyone would like. I guess it's a light and fresh smell. I am quite sure that young girls will love this product because it has such a sweet smell. 

손으로 거품 냈을 때

사진상으로는 거품이 적어보이지만
실제로 거품을 내보면 잘 나는 편이랍니다.

This is when I made the foam with my hands.
You can't really see the foam on the photograph, but there's quite a lot of foam. 

샤워볼을 사용하면 더욱 풍성한 거품을 낼 수 있습니다.

샤워 후 크게 건조하거나 당긴다는 느낌은 없어요.
입욕제로도 사용해봤는데 그럭저럭 무난무난

가격대비 무난한 제품력입니다.
딱 가격만큼은 하는 제품인 것 같아용.

근데.. 제가 향에 급 꽂혀 구입했던 그 향이..
직접 맡을 때랑 샤워하면서 맡는 향이랑 좀 다르네요.

You'll be able to create a lot more foam by using a shower ball. My skin didn't become extremely dry or anything after taking a shower. I even used it for my bath preparation and it was okay. It's a pretty good product by considering its price. I think it does the exact amount of work I paid for. But the smell was a bit different from the smell that I smelled at the store. LOL

뭔가... 좀 더 저렴한 느낌?!
싸구려 딸기 비타민 같은 향이에요

그 마저도 씻어내는 즉시 향이 날아가요ㅋ

씻고 나오면 마치 맹물로 씻고 나온 듯이
흔적도 없이 자취를 감춰버리는 향
(다른 향도 이런진 모르겠네요)

지속력 따위 없습니다.

향수나 퍼퓸젤이 아니니 드라마틱한 지속력은 바라지도 않지만
적어도 머리 마르기 전까지는 향이 좀 은은하게 나줘야
샤워하고 나온 맛이 날 거 아니에요?!?!?!?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

좋은 향 난다는 칭찬에 묘한 희열을 느끼는 변태 노을이니까
향 좋은 바디&헤어 제품에 집착 쩌는 노을이니까
쓰면서부터 배신감 마구 들었음ㅋㅋㅋ ㅡㅡ

저는 이거 지금 핸드워시로 쓰고 있어요.
거품 잘나는 핸드워시 찾는 분들께 추천합니다~

핸드워시를 샀는데 바디워시로도 쓸 수 있으니
나름 일석이조네요

The smell was a little cheap(?). The smell  was kind of like a cheap strawberry vitamin. 
And even that goes away when you wash it off. LOL The smell simply goes away when you wash them off. The smell does not last! I don't expect the smell to last for a long time or anything because it's not a perfume or perfume-gel, but shouldn't the smell last until the hair is dry? I was a bit disappointed by this. I am currently using this product as a hand wash. I recommend it for those who are looking for a hand wash that creates a lot of foam. It's kind of like catching two rabbits at once because you can use the body wash as a hand wash as well. 

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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