Tuesday, December 18, 2012



다음주에 가족과 함께 바캉스 계획이 잡혔어요, 여행을 가서도 화장을 할테니; 
이것저것 챙기다가 작년 일이 떠오르더라구요
클렌징 오일을 미니어쳐 용기에 덜어가지고 갔었는데 오일 특유의 미끌거림 때문인지
스스로 캡이 열려서 파우치 내부와 함께 팩트 안까지 새어들어가 난리가 났었던.. 
결국 - 제가 아끼던 몇몇 제품을 버려야만 했었어요
그러고 나니, 생각나는게 클렌징 티슈 밖에 없더라구요:
몇일 전에 소개해드렸던 에뛰드하우스 신상.
베이킹파우더가 함유되어 있다는 베이킹파우더 시리즈의, 
파우더 타입 클렌저와 함께 같이 구입해봤습니다

I am going on a vacation with my family next week. I'll be doing the make-up even on my vacation and I suddenly recalled something from last year while I was packing my stuff. 
I took the cleansing oil in a miniature container and the lid of container opened by itself in my pouch. Maybe it was because of the oiliness. I had such a horrible experience because the oil had spoiled all the stuff that I had in my pouch. I eventually had to throw away some of my cosmetics. After going through this, all I had in my mind was the cleansing tissue.  It's a new product of Etude House that I've introduced a few days ago. I bought the cleansing tissue together with the powder-type cleanser, which is one of the products of baking powder series products and is known to contain baking powder. 

제가 좋아하는 하늘색에, 빨간색 [베이킹파우더] 글자가 조금은 빈티지스러워 보이는게 참 귀여운 맛이 있어요 (그외에는 아주 평범해요;)
에뛰드하우스에는 티슈 타입의 클렌저가 많은데요:
티슈를 꺼내는 뚜껑 부분(라벨)이 플라스틱 마개 처리가 되어 열었다 닫았다 
할 수 있는 것은 베이킹파우더 시리즈의 클렌징 티슈가 유일해요

이 플라스틱 마개가 좋은 점은 스티커 테이핑으로 마무리 된 것은 클렌징 티슈에 스며든 클렌저 액이 스티커 부분에 닿으면 끈적임이 약해져서
스며든 액이 날아가 금방 보송보송해져버려, 
클렌저 기능을 하긴 커녕 보통의 화장지 기능도 못하게 되어요
그러나 - 플라스틱 마개 처리를 하게 되면 그럴 일이 없어요, 
다만 안쪽에 고무패킹이 되어 있지 않기 때문에
보송보송해지는 것은 마찬가지에요 그 시간이 늦어질 뿐이지요

The product is in sky-blue and red, which are my favorite colors, and it look very cute because of its vintage words on the top. Everything else other than these are quite ordinary. Etude House has various types of cleansing tissues. Etude House's tissue are the only tissues that have a plastic lid that can be opened and closed. What is good about this plastic lid is that it prevents liquid inside from evaporating. Because when the sticker touches the cleansing liquid inside, the tissue inside the box will become useless as a piece of ordinary issue. But such things will never happen when there is a plastic lid on the top. However, the tissues will become quite useless over a long period time because there isn't a rubber packing. The plastic lid merely delays that time. 

클렌징 티슈는 오일타입의 클렌저처럼 손끝으로 롤링을 하는 것이 아니라, 티슈면을 피부에 직접 닿게해 스믈스믈 녹이면서 닦아내는 것이잖아요?
그런데 사용하면서 어쩐지 피부가 따가운거에요.. 
일부러 새것을 꺼내 티슈면을 찍어봤습니다
하아 - 보이세요? 고르지도 않구요, 순면인지 아닌지는 모르겠으나.. 굉장히 거친 편이에요
그렇다보니 따가움을 동반할 수 밖에 없었고 조금만 힘을 줘도 금새 빨개져버려요
(더욱이 눈가나 입가 같이 피지선이 얇고 
또 유독 연약한 부분에서는 사용하기가 꺼려지게 되더라구요
그럼, 또 립앤아이리무버를 챙겨야 되는 것인데 
그럼 티슈타입 클렌저만의 메리트가 없어지는 것 아닌가요?)

I am quite sure that you are all aware that you have to clean your face with a cleansing tissue by directly applying it to your face, unlike when you roll the oil-type cleansers with the tip of your fingers. But my skin began to sore when I used these tissues. I took a photograph of the new tissue. Can you see them? It's not very even. I don't know if it's pure cotton or not, but it's quite rough. So it does hurt your skin a bit and your skin becomes white if you put a bit of power into it. (I was quite reluctant to use this product on fragile areas, such as the rim of my eyes and my mouth. If this is the case, isn't it correct that I would have to additionally use the lip and eye remover and eventually loses the values of tissue-type cleansers?)

클렌징은 상당히 잘되는 편이에요, 아니 월등하다고 할 수 있어요
지금까지 써왔던 클렌징 티슈 중에 단연 최고라고 하고 싶어요:
그러나, 제가 클렌징 티슈를 쓰는 이유는 휴대성 외에 기름지지 않은 산뜻함이거든요?
그런데 - 이 제품에는 클렌저 액을 차지하는 성분 중 오일리한 것이 많은지 
반들반들대고 조금은 답답한 감이 있어요

클렌징력에서는 단연 최고
하지만, 그에 비해 오일함유가 많은지 답답함과 함께 거친 티슈면이 거슬립니다

The cleansing effect was good. Actually, I must say that it was outstanding.
I can say that it was one of the best cleansing tissues that I've used. 
However, the reason why I am using cleansing tissues is because of the refreshment without oiliness aside from its portability. But this product was a bit glossy and suffocating. Perhaps this is because a lot of oil are in the product. 

The cleansing effect was certainly the best. 
However, it is a bit suffocating and the tissues are a bit rough than I've expected. 

Click here to purchase the product.



Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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