Sunday, December 23, 2012

VOV Good bye eye pender original mascara Review

VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara

보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라 [4호 네버다이 워터프루프]

눈밑번짐방지 종결자
물과 땀에 완벽한 강력세팅 마스카라

1) 물과 땀에 강력한 눈 밑 번짐 방지 효과!
-SUPER 러버 코팅 시스템으로 물과 땀에 완벽한, 절대 눈밑 번짐 방지 효과 마스카라
-속눈썹 빠르게 건조시키는 Quick Dry Setting Polymer와
윤기있게 코팅해주는 Flexible Polymer 성분이 속눈썹 한올 한올에 멀티 코팅 층 형성

2) 강력한 멀티 세팅 효과
-수퍼 러버 브러쉬가 약하고 처진 속눈썹을 힘껏 올려 주고,
속눈썹을 풍성하게 하는 볼륨 업 파우더(Volume up Powder)와
컬을 지속시켜주는 컬 업 왁스(curl up wax) 성분이 하루종일 세팅된 속눈썹

3)약해진 속눈썹에 집중 영양 공급
-속눈썹을 한올 한올 보호해 주는 판테놀 성분과
영양을 공급해주는 검정콩 추출물 함유

VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara (No.4 Never Die Waterproof)

The ultimate and powerful mascara that is perfect in water and sweat. 

1)The ultimate and powerful effect of prevention of spreading under one's eyes in water and sweat. 
- The prevention of spreading under one's eyes in water and sweat in all circumstances with the SUPER rubber coating. 
- It creates multi-layers on each and every eyelashes with Quick Dry Setting Polymer, a substance that quickly dries the eyelashes, and Flexible Polymer, a substance that creating a glossy coating. 

2) Powerful multi-setting effects
- The SUPER rubber brush lifts up the dropping and weak eyelashes very hard and the Volume Up Powder and Curl Up Wax substances help users to have eyelashes in the perfect setting for the entire day. 

3) Intensively provides nutrition to the eyelashes that have become weak
- Contains panthenol, which protects each and every eyelashes, and black bean extracts that provides nutrition. 

강력 번짐방지!!
워터프루프가 뛰어나기로 유명한 보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라!

The powerful prevention of smears!
The VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara that is famous for its waterproof effects!

2011.4.30 제조된 제품으로 영어설명도 함께 씌여있네요.
This product is manufactured on April.30th.2011 and it also has an English description. 

물과 땀에 쉽게 번지지않는 완벽한 워터프루프 효과와 강렬한 멀티 세팅력의 마스카라

방수성이 탁원한 수퍼러버 코팅효과로 하루종일 물과 땀, 피지에 
번짐없이 깨끗한 상태로 유지시켜 줍니다.
고탄성 수퍼 러버 브러쉬가 속눈썹을 한올한올 뭉침없이 힘껏 올려주며,
덧발라도 뭉침없이 볼륨을 연출해줍니다.
판네놀 및 검정콩 성분이 함유되어 풍성하고 쉽게 끊어지기 
쉬운 속눈썹을 윤기있고 탄력있게 가꿔줍니다.

The ultimate mascara that does not easily smear in water or sweat with waterproof effects and powerful capabilities of multi-setting. 

It maintains the pores in clean conditions against water and sweat for the rest of the day with the super rubber coating effects. The super rubber brush of high elasticity lifts up the eyelashes very powerfully and creates a volume without lumps even if you re-apply them. It makes your weak and fragile eyelashes to glow and have elasticity because it contains panthenol and black bean extracts. 

보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라

블랙칼라의 유광케이스, 심플하지만 촌스럽지않고 이뻐요.

VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara

The black-colored glossy case is very simple and pretty. 

보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라의 이름인 오리지날이 쓰여있네요.
블루로 포인트!

This is the word 'original' , which is the name of VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara. It has added a design point with the blue color. 

용량은 10ml , 개봉 후 6개월 내 사용권장
4호 네버다이 워터프루프

The volume is 10ml and it is recommended that you use it within 6 months from unsealing.
No. 4 Never Die Waterproof

좀 신기한 타입의 브러쉬에요.
말랑말랑하면서 탄력있는 고무로 만들어져있어요.
바로 고탄성 수퍼 러버 브러쉬로 속눈썹을 한올한올 뭉침없이 힘껏 올려주며, 
덧발라도 뭉침없이 볼륨을 연출해줍니다.

브러쉬 틈새사이로 마스카락액이 떡져있지않아서_속눈썹에 한올한올 발리는 느낌이에요.
뭉침없이 발리고, 덧발라도 뭉침이 적어서 볼륨감있는 속눈썹을 연출할 수 있어요.

This brush is kind of cool.
It is made of soft and flexible rubber. 
It lifts up each and every eyelashes very powerfully with the super rubber brush
and also creates volume without lumps even if you re-apply them. 

It feel as if each and every eyelash is being taken care of because the mascara liquid in between the gap of the brush doesn't lump up. You are able to create eyelashes with much volume because it does not lump up even if you re-apply them over many times. 

워터프루프 테스트,

좀 두껍게 발려서 그런지 건조가 조금 더디더라고요.
흐르는 물에는 큰 번짐이 없지만, 손가락으로 문지르면 번지더군요.
일부러 속눈썹을 비비지는 않으니 크게 걱정안해도 될 듯^^

The waterproof test

Perhaps it was because it had been applied a bit thick that It took some time to dry up. 
It does not smear in the flowing water but it smeared when I rubbed it with my hands.
I guess you do not have to worry about this because we do not rub our eyelashes intentionally. 

보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라 사용 후
After applying VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara

전 원래 마스카라를 여러번 덧바르는 것보다 한번정도 발라서 컬링만 잡아주고 
깔끔하게 연출하는걸 좋아해요!
보브 마스카라는 속눈썹 한올한올 뭉침없이 발리기때문에 깔끔하게 발리더라고요.

건조속도는 보통!
여러번 덧바르길 좋아하는 분이라면 시간을 두고 덧발라서 
완벽히 건조시켜야 눈밑에 묻어나지 않을 것 같아요.

보브 마스카라에는 판네놀 및 검정콩 성분이 함유되어 
속눈썹을 윤기있고 탄력있게 가꿔준다고해요.

일상적인 생활에서는 워터프루프 효과가 좋아요.
눈가의 유분에 강한 편이라 눈밑에 쉽게 번지지 않아 팬더가 될 염려가 적어요!
역시 팬더와 안녕할 수 있는 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라!!

I like doing my make-ups by making my curling with a single stroke, rather than re-applying it many times. The VOV mascara can be applied very cleanly because it applies on each and every eyelash without lumps. 

The drying speed was quite normal!
If you are one of those people who like re-applying it many times, you would probably have to perfectly dry it. Or else it will smear on the bottom of your eyes.

The VOV mascara is known to take care of your eyelashes with glossiness and elasticity because it contains panthenol and black bean extracts. 

Waterproof products are good for ordinary everyday lives. 
There is a lower risk of becoming a panda because it does not smear very easily on the bottom of your eyes. This really is the kind of product that I was looking for  in order to avoid becoming a panda!

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.