Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Face Shop Herb Day 365 Cleansing Foam Review

The Face Shop Herb Day 365 Cleansing Foam

오늘 보여드릴제품은 클렌징폼인데요, 
저렴한 가격에 짐승용량을 가지고있는 클렌징폼이에요.
그럼 리뷰시작할께요~

The product that I am going to show you today is a cleansing foam. 
It's a huge cleansing foam with an affordable price. 
Let me begin my review~

더페이스샵 허브데이 365 클렌징폼-산뜻 레몬 150ml 

The Face Shop Herb Day 365 Cleansing Foam - Lemon 150ml

요제품은 제가 약 2년동안 꾸준히 사용한 클렌징폼이에요.

This is a cleansing foam that I had been using for about two years.

이번 리뷰에서는 레몬으로 데려왔는데요 레몬말고도 종류가 5가지정도가 있어서
각자 구입하고싶으신 것으로 사셔도 좋을 것 같아용^^
전 요제품의 종류들은 다써봤는데 향만다를뿐 큰차이는 없더라구요.

I am going to write my review on the product with the lemon fragrance. You can buy the product of the fragrance that you like because there are five other flavors other than lemon. :)
I've tried using these products and they were quite the same except for the fragrance. 

요제품은 특히 유분기를 없애줘서 피지로 고민하시는 
복합성,지성분들께 좋을법한 클렌징폼이에요.

This is a cleansing foam for those people who have combination and oily skin and those who are worrying about their sebum because it especially removes the oil on the skin. 

제가 무엇보다 요제품을 오랫동안 사용했던 이유는 바로 요 많은 용량이에요.
150ml의 넉넉한 용량에 저렴한 착한가격때문에 자꾸만 손이가더라구요ㅋㅋㅋ

One of the reasons why I've used this product for such a long time is because of its volume (150ml). I used this very frequently because it's cheap and has a lot in it. LOL

뚜껑은 너무 헐겁지도 않고 팍팍하지도 않게 잘열리는 편이에요.

The lid isn't too loose nor too tight. 

저는 몇번사용해서 비닐캡이 없던상태였는데요, 저 뚜껑부분은 열어서 캡을 없앤후에
사용해주세요. 클렌징폼의 입구는 딱 적당한 용량이 나오고 조절도 쉽더라구요.

Mine didn't have the vinyl cover because I've already used it several times.
You should open the cover and take it off before using it. The mouth was in the right size and it was very easy to control the amount. 

손에 베이스,틴트,립스틱,색있는 립밤등을 발랐어요.

I put on the base, tint, lipstick and a lip balm with a color. 

클렌징폼을 짜보았는데요 레몬향이나는 제품이라서 
그런지 살작 연한 노란빛이나더라구요.
향기도 절말 굿인 레몬향이나와요ㅜㅜ 
세안 할때마다 기분이 좋아용ㅋㅋㅋ

I squeezed out the cleansing foam and it was bit yellow because 
it was a product with lemon fragrance. 
The fragrance was really like lemon. 
It really feels good when you wash your face. LOL

처음에는 연한 노란빛을띄지만 막상 발리면 흰색의 클렌징폼이에요.
퍽퍽하지않고 부드럽게 클렌징되서 자극없게 클렌징할수 있어요.

The foam is a bit yellow in the first place, but it is actually a white cleansing foam when you apply it on the skin. You can clean your skin without much irritation because it's very smooth. 

클렌징폼하나만으로도 말끔하게 지워졌어요!
왠만한 제품들은 다지워지는 괜찮은 세정력인 것 같아요.

Everything got erased with nothing but the cleansing foam! 
It seemed to erase most of the products. 

세안후 약 8시간정도뒤의 제쌩얼이에요.
시간이 괘많이지나서 그런지 유분기가 많아서 번들거리는 모습이에요.

This is my face after about eight hours from washing my face. 
The face seems to have some oil because it's been quite a while I've washed my face. 

클렌징폼을 이용해서 세안을 해주세요.

Wash you face by using the cleansing foam. 

매끈매끈하면서 보송보송한 피부가 되었어요.

This is after washing my face. 
The skin has become very smooth. 

어느 분야에 대해서 딱히 뛰어나다는 생각이 드는 제품은 아니지만
전체적으로 무난무난하구요 순한편이여서 좋더라구요.
또 가격과 용량이 너무 마음에 들어서ㅋㅋㅋ 세안을 자주하는 저에게 부담스럽지 않게
세안을 할수있어서 좋았어요.
레몬말고도 알로애,체리,녹두등 여러가지가 있는데 딱히 차이는 없어서
원하는 향으로 구입하시면 될것 같아요.

The product didn't seem to have a tremendously outstanding point, 
but it was fairly good in the overall sense. I liked it because it was very mild.
I also liked the volume and the price because I can use as much as I want. 
There are various types for this product, such as aloe, cherry, green bean, etc., and 
you can buy the one that you like because there aren't much differences in them other than the 

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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