Tuesday, December 18, 2012

VOV Suboon (Moisture) Mineral Powder (spf 35 pa++) Review

VOV Suboon (Moisture) Mineral Powder (spf 35 pa++)

파우더가 담겨져 있는 케이스 외관이예요
하얀 케이스에 전성분과 사용법 주의사항이 적혀있어요

아쉽게도 제조일자가 2010년...ㅠㅠ...1년이 지난상품이네요
빨리빨리 써야 겠어요~이번년도안에 후딱!

This is the powder's case. 
The details of the ingredients and the instructions are written on the white case.
It's a bit disappointing that the manufacturing date of the product is 2010. It's a bit old.
I gotta finish using it this year!

제품은 생각보다 큰편은 아니예요^^
그치만 다른 파우더에 비해서는 들고다니긴 약~간 불편하지만
여자분들은 거의 가방 큰거 들고다니시니 쏘옥~넣고 다니시면 되겠죠?ㅎㅎ
파우더는 유광케이스의 동글동글 귀여운 모양의 케이스예요
그리고 제가 이번에 받은건 21호 미네랄 라이트예요
21호는 살짝 화사해 지는 효과가 있어서 제일 무난한 색상인거같아요 

The product isn't that big. :)
Even though it's a bit inconvenient because it's bigger than other powders, 
it will probably fit in your bag. A lot of people carry big bags these days.
The powder is in a cute round glossy case. The one that I received is no.21 mineral white.
I think no.21 is the most easy-going color because it makes the skin a bit brighter. 

뚜껑을 열면 스티커가 붙어잇어요
스티커 제거후 사용해주시면되요
스티커를 제거하면 구멍이 뽕뽕 나있어요 저 작은 곳에서 가루파우더가 나온답니다.

You'll be able to see a sticker when you open the lid.
You should take the stickeoff before you use it.
You can see the holes when you take off the sticker and 
the powder comes out from those small holes.

내장 퍼프는 감촉이 아주좋아요
부들부들 하면서 피부에 절대 해가되지않을 듯한 느낌의 퍼프랍니다.
파우더도 잘 묻어 나오구요^^

The puff in the product is very soft. 
It's soft like fur and it wouldn't harm your skin at all.
The powder comes off very well as well. :)

파우더의 입자를 살펴봤어요
아주 고운 입자에 부드러운 타입이예요
손으로 살포시 눌렀더니 지문까지 보이는 파우더^^

I looked at the powder's particles. 
It's extremely fine and soft. 
The powder left my fingerprint when I gently pressed it with my finger. 

손가락에 묻은 파우더를 살짝 비벼서 확대를 해보니
빛이 돌면서 실크한 느낌이 나는 파우더예요
정말 부드럽구요 느낌이 상당히 좋아요
밀착감이 좋아서 들뜸현상은 없을거 같네요

When I rubbed the powder on my finger and enlarged it, 
it began shining and I was able to feel the silkiness. 
It's extremely soft and feels very nice. 
You won't have to worry about it coming off from your skin because it adheres very well.

저는 기초케어뒤 베이스를 바르고 바로 파우더로 커버하는편이예요
여러가지덧바르면 괜히 무겁고 갑갑한 느낌이 나더라구요
베이스로 살짝 피부톤 보정을 해준뒤 보브 수분 미네랄 파우더를 톡톡 두들겨봤어요
수분이 많은지 가볍게 커버가 되면서 밀착감이 좋았어요
입자가 곱기에 답답한 느낌도 안들구요 웬만한 잡티는 커버가 되는거같네요~

I usually do the basic care, put on the base and cover my face with the powder.
I do this because It feels very heavy and suffocating when I put too much cosmetics together.
I slightly corrected the skin tone with the base and tapped VOV Suboon (Moisture) Mineral Powder. It covered very lightly and it stuck on to the skin very well. It doesn't feel suffocating because the particles are extremely fine. It looks like most of the blemishes are covered. 

맨얼굴보다 왼쪽얼굴이 화사해진 느낌이 들어요
그리고 모공커버도 잘되서 좋구요^^
그치만 파우더뚜껑 안쪽에 거울이 하나 내장되어있다면 파우더를 할때 더 깔끔하게 할수있지 않을까 라는 생각이 드네요~
가볍고 수분력좋은 파우더를 고민하시는 여성분들에게 추천해드릴게요*^^*

The picture on the right is the face without anything on and the one on the left is the face with the powder on. It seems like the face on the left is a lot brighter. It made me think that it would have been better if there was a mirror on the powder's lid. I strongly recommend this product for those people who are thinking about buying a light powder that has a lot of moisture in it. :)

Click here to purchase the product.



Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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