Tuesday, December 11, 2012

MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule Review

MISSHA Time Revolution
Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule

세일이고, 갈색병 저렴이 버전이라고 해서 너무너무 궁금했던
미샤 타임 레볼루션 나이트 리페어 앰플을 사봤어요 +ㅁ+

I finally bought 'MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule', a product that I was really curious about because it was on sale and also because it was a product that was known as a cheaper version of the brown bottle. :)

소문의 보라색병 
미샤 타임 레볼루션 나이트 리페어 앰플 

The famous purple bottle
MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule

2012년, 보랏빛 혁명이 시작된다.
더 이상 값비싼 수입화장품에 의존하지 않도록..

갈색병은 너무 비싸서 가격적으로 일단 부담스러운데,
미샤에서 갈색병과 똑같이 나왔다고 하니 가격적으로는 저렴해서 사용해보고 싶었어요 ^ ^

Beware! The purple revolution begins in year 2012. 
Do not rely on expensive import cosmetics anymore...

The purple bottles are expensive in the first place. I really wanted to try out the purple bottle of MISSHA when they released a newer version because it had the same functions of purple bottles and also because it was cheap. :)

[레볼루션] 타임 레볼루션 나이트 리페어 사이언스 액티베이터 앰플    

[Revolution] MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule


1. 다양한 유산균 발효 성분이 고농축으로 함유된 앰플 제품으로 
외부 유해 환경 및 자극으로 인한 탄력저하,
균일하지 못한 피부결, 칙칙한 피부톤 등의 눈에 띄는 피부 손상 개선에 도움을 줍니다.

2. 피부를 고려한 과학적인 손상 개선 시스템으로 유효 성분의 흡수력 향상에 
도움을 주는 스킨파워 액티베이터 앰플입니다.

3. 피부 적응력을 향상시켜 피부 시너지 효과를 부여하는 
피부 타입에 관계없이 매일매일 사용 가능한 필수 제품입니다.

The characteristics

1. It's an ample product with various highly-enriched lactic-acid substances that helps to enhance  the apparent damaged skin, such as the degradation caused by harmful external environment, unbalanced skin and dark skin tones. 

2. It is a skin-power activating ample that helps to enhance the absorption rate of active ingredients by its carefully designed scientific damage-enhancement system. 

3. It is a must-have item that provides the synergy effects of your skin by improving the adaptability of the skin and  also a product that can be used everyday regardless of your skin type.

미샤 타임 레볼루션 나이트 리페어 사이언스 액티베이터 앰플    
용량은 50ml 예요 !!

제조일자는 2012년 1월19일로 그래도 만든지는 얼마 안됐네요ㅎㅎ
외관 상자도 빛나는 보랏빛으로 고급스러워보여요 +ㅁ+

MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule
The volume is 50ml. 

The manufacturing date is January 19, 2012. I guess it's a fairly new product. LOL
The case looks very luxurious with a purple background. :)

이게 바로 소문의 보라색병 " 미샤 타임 레볼루션 나이트 리페어 앰플 " 이군요 !ㅎㅎㅎ
미샤 세일기간에는 거의 다 팔렸더라구요!
다행히 저의 동네 미샤는 보라색병이 있었어요 럭키인거죠ㅎㅎㅎ

주름 개선 & 미백 2중 기능성 화장품이라고 뒤에 적혀있어요.
20대 중반이 되면서 눈가 주름과 팔자주름도 이제 
깊게 생기는 거 같아서 주름개선 화장품에 관심이 많았어요  !
20대부터 꾸준히 주름개선 화장품 바르고 하면
나중에 이쁘게 늙어지겠죠?ㅎㅎ 그렇게 믿고 싶어요 ......ㅎㅎㅎ;;;

This is the famous 'MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule'! LOL
Most of them were sold out during the sale at MISSHA!
But the store next my house had this purple bottle. I was very lucky. LOL

It says on the back that it's a dual-whitening functional cosmetics for improving your wrinkles. 
I became very interested in cosmetics that enhance my wrinkles because I've been getting wrinkles near my eyes as I was going through my mid-twenties!
Would I grow in good shape if I keep on using them from my mid-twenties?
I hope so. LOL 

보통 앰플과 똑같이, 그리고 갈색병과 똑같이
미샤 보라색병도 스포이드 형식으로 되어 있어요 !@
검은 뚜껑부분을 누르면 앰플이 올라오는 형식으로 양조절을 할 수 있어요 !

갈색병은 한방울 쓸 때마다 돈이 아까워서 조금씩 발랐는데, 
이건 50ml에 가격도 저렴해서 얼굴에 듬뿍 듬뿍 발라서 좋아요 *___*

The purple bottle of MISSHA is a dropping-type product  
just like an ordinary ample and the brown bottle! 
You can control the liquid's amount by pressing the black thingy on the lid!

I only used a little amount when I was using the brown bottle,
but I can apply as much as I want because this 50ml bottle is very cheap. ;)

에스티로더 갈색병과 미샤 보라색병이예요.
미샤 보라색병은 명품화장품에 절대 뒤지지 않는 고급스런 케이스네요 .

This is a photograph of Estee Launder's brown bottle and the purple bottle of MISSHA. 
The purple case of MISSHA is as luxurious as Estee Launder's case. 

같은 스포이드 형식이지만,
에스티로더 갈색병 스포이드는 두껍고 좀더 짧고,
미샤 보라색병 스포이드는 얇고 길쭉해요.

그리고 색으로 봐도 , 에스티로더가 묽고 좀더 밝은 갈색을 띄고 있고, 
미샤는 한약색을 띄고 있어요 .
발림성이나 비슷한 질감이어서 차이점을 잘 모르겠더라구요.
얼마전에 아침 방송에서 두 제품 비교한 걸 봤는데요...
미샤 쪽이 더 수분감있게 측정되었어요. 비싼 게 좋은 건 아닌가봐요 ! 

Even though It's a dropping-type just like the brown bottle, 
MISSHA's dropper is thin and long whereas 
Estee Launder's dropper is thicker and and shorter.

And I must say that Estee Launder is more watery and is more brown, 
whereas MISSHA is a bit white in its color.
I was not able to see a huge difference because both of them had similar textures and applied  in a similar way. A few day ago, I saw a TV program that had made a comparison of these two products and it was concluded that MISSHA had more moisture in it. It looks like being expensive doesn't always mean that it's better! 

(왼쪽) 에스티로더 갈색병  (오른쪽) 미샤 보라색병(미샤 타임 레볼루션 나이트 리페어 앰플)

기름종이에 흐르는 차이를 보여드릴려고 해봤는데요 ,
에스티로더가 좀 더 묽어서 쭉 흐르는 타입이고, 
미샤는 막 흐르는 타입은 아니여서 좀더 쫀쫀한 질감이예요!

주름개선 화장품은 약간 쫀쫀한 질감으로 된 텍스처면
좀더 주름에 효과가 더 들것같은 느낌이 들어요 . ㅎㅎ 기분탓인가요?ㅎㅎ

(Left) The brown bottle of Estee Launder (Right) The purple bottle of MISSHA (MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule)

I wanted to show you the difference of how it ran down on an oil paper. 
Estee Launder ran down faster because it was watery. 
The texture of MISSHA was a bit stickier. 

It is my personal feeling that the sticky texture of those cosmetics that enhance your wrinkles would be more effective in enhancing your wrinkles. Is this purely a feeling? LOL

미샤 타임 레볼루션 나이트 리페어 사이언스 액티베이터 앰플 손등에 테스터 해봤어요ㅎㅎ

향은 저는 에스티로더 쪽이 더 좋았어요. 
갈색병 향은 먼가 칡차같은 한방향이 났는데,
미샤는 보통 화장품향이 나요.

I tested MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule on the back of my hands. LOL

Estee Launder had a better smell.
The brown bottle smelled like Chinese medicine, 
but MISSHA usually has the smell of cosmetics. 

문지르면서 흡수하는 과정을 봤는데
수분감도 있으면서 금새 바로 흡수해버리네요.

I watched it absorb and it absorbed it right away with a bit of moisture. 

완전히 흡수된 미샤 보라색병이예요 !
손등에 바를 땐 바로 흡수해버렸는데,
제 피부가 안좋은지라 얼굴에는 바로 흡수는 하지 못하더라구요ㅜㅜ
그래도 끈적이지도 않고 흡수되서 괜찮았어요 ㅎㅎ

This is when it had been completely absorbed!
It was absorbed into the skin right away when I applied it on the back of my hands, 
but it didn't get absorbed on my face right away. Maybe it was because my skin is too rough. 
But it wasn't sticky and was absorbed into the skin pretty well. LOL

Click here to purchase the product.



Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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