Monday, December 17, 2012

Etude house My Dear Blooming Pact SPF30 Review

Etude house My Dear blooming pact SPF30

에뛰드에서산 팩트!!
요즘엔 늘 디어마이블루밍팩트만 쓰고다녀요 ㅎㅎ

This is the pact that I bought at Etude. 
I am only carrying the Dear My Blooming Pact these days. LOL :)

리본버튼도 귀요미 ㅋㅋㅋ
The ribbon button is also very cute! LOL :)

제가산건1호 라이트베이지에요 종류는1호2호두가지다있답니다
The one that I bought was no.1 light beige. The product has two types, no.1 and no.2.

솜도 레이스달린게 진짜이쁨ㅋㅋㅋ
역시 에뛰드답네여

The puff is also very pretty with the lace.
Etude never disappoints me!

팩트안에모양은 하트모양이에요
저가엄청많이썼는데 저하트모양은 잘안지워지더라구여 굳

The pact looks like a heart.
I've been using this a lot, but that heart design didn't erase! I like it!

색깔은조금차이나네요 ~
피부뽀얀 분들이1호바르면 저렇게까진 차이별루안나실거에요
전 ..그렇게하얗지가않거든요ㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋ
어쨌든 재구매의사 100%  저는이때까지쓴 팩트중에제일맘에드네요 ~

There is a bit of difference in the color.
You won't be able to see huge difference in the color if you have a white skin.
You know.. I am not that white.. LOL
Anyway, I would definitely buy this again and this is a pact that I like the most among many other products that I've used until this day. 

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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