Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Missha Signature Real Complete BB Review

Missha Signature Real Complete BB

오늘은 얼마전 선물받은 비비크림하나를 리뷰하려구요!
요즘 자꾸 비비크림이 생겨서 ... 유통기한내에 다 쓸 수 있을지 모르겠찌만 T.T
그래도 비비크림으로 꽤나 유명하다는 미샤의 비비크림을 받아서 기부니 좋더라구요! 
어쨋든, 미샤 M 시그니처 리얼 컴플릿 비비크림 리뷰 시작할게요~

Today, I would like to write a review on a BB cream that I've recently received as a gift!
I am getting a lot of BB creams recently and i am not quite sure whether i can finish using them within the expiration date. However, I was very happy to have this product because it was actually a quite famous product. Anyway, I'll begin my review on Missha Signature Real Complete BB~

이 비비크림이 바로 미샤의 M 시그니처 비비크림이에요+_+ 
미샤의 비비크림은 뭐 빨간비비라고 불리울 정도로 유명한데~ 
이건 그 빨간비비는 아니고 ~ 미샤에서 주름이나 수분기능을 
더 추가해서 나온 비비크림입니다~ M 시그니처비비크림이에요~

This is the famous Missha Signature Real Complete BB. 
Missha's BB creams are famous to the point that it is recognized as the 'red BB cream''.
But this is not the 'red one'. It's a BB cream that has added the wrinkle and moisture function. It is called the Missha Signature Real Complete BB cream. 

어찌하다보니... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 선물받은 비비크림이 일본으로 갈 제품이었어요!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ그래서 일본어도 모르고 ㅠㅠ 
뒷면에 뭐라고 적혀있는지 전혀 알길이 없습니닷!
뭐 들어보니 미샤 비비크림은 일본에서도 굉장한 인기를 끌고있다고하더라구요!

I've realized that the BB cream that I received as a gift was supposed to be a product that should be shipped to Japan! LOL I don't know any Japanese there was no way for me to understand what the description on the back said!
I've heard that Missha's BB creams are also very famous in Japan!

고급스러보이는 비비크림 케이스가 우선마음에 들어요 +_+
미샤의 M 시그니처 라인은 참 이쁘더라구요 ~.~
꽃무늬도 이쁘고, 고급스러운 컬러감도 짱짱!

First of all, I really like the luxurious case of this BB cream.
Most of Missha's Signature series had pretty designs. 
The flowers look very pretty and the luxurious colors are also very awesome!

역시나 뒷면에는 일어가 줄줄줄~~
알아볼 수 있는거라면... 40g이라는거랑 SPF 25라는점!!!
과연 미샤의 비비크림은 어떨것인지.... 두근두근 기대됩니다~!
사실 미샤 비비크림은 이번에 처음 써보는거거든요 ! 

The product description was in Japanese. 
The only two things that I've understood were its volume(40)g and that it's a SPF 25!
I wonder how Missha's BB cream is like~!
In fact, this is the first time that I am using Missha's BB cream!

앞부분에는 이렇게 뚜껑처럼 보호캡이 씌워져있어요~~~
화장품을 올려놓을때, 뚜껑부터 내려놓기때문에 ~ 화장품을 꼼꼼하게
다 쓸 수 있을거같아서 좋아요 +_+

There is a protection cover lid in the front.
It's really good because I tend to put down the lid first and also because I can use it thoroughly. 

뚜껑을 열면 이렇게 구멍이보이사죠~~~
구멍이 작아서 적당량만큼만 쏙쏙 쓸 수 있어서 좋아요 >_<
가끔 퍽퍽 나와서 싫은데... 화장품도 아깝고~!!!!!
근데 미샤의 M 시그니처 비비크림은 구멍이 정말작아서 좋아요!

You'll be able to see the holes like these when you open the lid.
I really like it because you can use the exact amount that you want. 
There are times when a lot of amount comes out and I hate that. 
But I really like Missha's M Signature BB Cream because it has smaller holes!

펌핑해서 사용하는 방식이구요
이렇게 꾸욱 누르면 적당한 양이 쑤욱 나옵니다~!!

It is a pumping-type product and
the right amount comes out when you pressed it hard like this~!!

미샤 M 시그니처 비비크림의 점성도 테스트입니다~~
처음써봤는데 참 놀라웠던게 엄청 묽더라구요 비비크림이!!
뭐랄까 수분감도 많고 묽어서 발림성이 좋을 것 같아요! 

This is the viscosity test of Missha Signature Real Complete BB. 
This was the first time for me to use this product and what was surprising to me was that
it was very watery! It had a lot of moisture and it gave me a feeling that it would apply very well on the skin. 

이제 요 비비크림이 얼마나 커버력이 있는지 살펴볼게요~~
미샤 비비크림이야 저렴이계의 1인자로 널리알려있다보니~~~
딱히 이렇게 할 필요가 있을까 싶지만 !
이건 빨간비비가아니라~~ M 시그니처비비잖아요 >_<
홍조의 커버력을 보기위해서 맥의 립스틱을 쓰쓱 발라주고
아이라이너로 점이나 주근깨를 얼마나 커버하는지 살펴볼게요!

Now, we'll look at the covering capabilities of this product. 
Perhaps there is no need to do this because Missha's BB creams are known as the best among cheap BB creams, but this is a M signature version, not the 'red' BB cream. 
I will apply the red lipstick and draw dots and freckles with an eyeliner too see how well it covers!

자 이제는~ 비비크림을 펴서 조금씩 찍어발라주었어요 +_+
과연 얼마나 커버력이 대단할지 기대기대기대되요! 

I've applied the BB cream on the back of my hand like this.
I am really curious about its covering capabilities!

톡톡톡톡 간단히 두들려보았는데요 +_+
이래서 다들 미샤 비비 미샤비비하나봐요!!!!!!
확실히 굉장히 묽은 제형의 비비크림이기때문에 발림성은 최고구요!
거기다가~ 착착감기는게 밀리지도 않더라구요!

I tapped the cream gently into the skin. 
Now I know why people are always talking about Missha's BB creams!
It applies extremely well on the skin because it's definitely a cream that is watery!
And it stuck on to the skin so well!

립스틱으로 발라놓은 핑크빛은 온데간데 보이지도않구!!!
아이라이너로 그어놓았던 진한선도 저렇게 여리여리해졌어요 >_<
전체적인 톤보정도 괜찮죠 ? 자연스러우면서 커버력은 만점!!!

As you can see...
The mark that drew with a lipstick had disappeared!!
And the black lines that drew with an eyeliner also fainted away. 
Isn't the overall tone correction also pretty good? 
It is very natural and I would like give five stars for its covering capabilities!!

마지막으로 ~~ 여름에 가장 중요한 끈적임 테스트를 해볼게요 +_+

비비크림도 끈적이고 잘 지워지는건 매력이 없잖아요~~~

At last, I'll test the stickiness, which I personally believe is one of the most important factors during summer. 

The sticky BB creams that erase very easily are not very attractive~

비비크림 바른손을 쓰윽쓰윽 문질러주세요 +_+
과연 얼마나 많은 종이가 딸려붙을 것인가 기대되죠 ~??
미샤 비비크림은과연!!! 

Rub the hand with the BB cream on.
How much oil would it have?
Let's see!

커버력도 좋았는데 ~~~ 끈적임도 그렇게 심하지않더라구요!

하지만 단점은 ~ 약간의 다크닝현상이 있더라구요 T.T

하루종일 바르고다니니.. 생기긴했지만.. 많은 비비크림이 다크닝이싱기니....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

그래서 저는 지성이신분들보다는~

복합성이나 지성분들이 참 좋아하실것 같아요~~~~~~

The covering capabilities were good and it wasn't very sticky as well!
But what was a bit disappointing was that it had a bit of darkening effects.  :(
The skin became a bit dark after an entire day. But as you already know, most BB creams have such darkening effects. LOL
So I think those people who have combination or oily skin will like this product more than those who have dry skin~

Click here to purchase the product.



Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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