Sunday, December 9, 2012

THE FACE SHOP New Zealand Volcanic Clay Black Head Gel Oil Review

Volcanic Clay Black Head Gel Oil

더페이스샵-화산클레이 블랙헤드 젤 오일


오늘 리뷰할 제품은 더페이스샵 화산클레이 블랙헤드 젤 오일 인데요!
제가 생일 때 선물로 받은건데 지금쓰네요 하핳...
세로는 제 손바닥보다 조금 작아요!가로는 제 손의 ½ 입니다!
이 사진은 선물 받고 집에와서 싸여저있는 
껍데기?보호막?(ㅠㅠ뭘까요..)를 떼지도 않고 찍었어요!

 THE FACE SHOP - New Zealand Volcanic Clay Black Head Gel Oil 


The product that I am going to review about today is 'THE FACE SHOP New Zealand Volcanic Clay Black Head Gel Oil'.  
It's a product that I got for my birthday and I am writing my review after all these time. 
It's a bit smaller than my palm lengthwise and it's half the size of my hand in width!
I took this photograph at home even without taking off the cover!

왼쪽-후레쉬off 오른쪽-후레쉬 on
싸여있는 막(?)을 떼고나서 찍은모습인데요!영어로 써져 있는건 못..알아보겟어요...
그저 한글로 써져있는 화산클레이 블랙헤드 젤 오일만 눈에 들어오네요 ㅋㅋㅋ
느낌은 껄끄럽지않고 메끄러웠어요!뚜껑도 아주 잘 열린답니당!
색깔은 연한 민트색이라고할까...연한하늘색+연한민트색 이런 느낌이에요~

Left - The photograph with the flash off. Right - The photograph with the flash on
This is a photograph that I took right after taking off the seal. I was not able to understand the descriptions written in English. All I understood was the words 'Volcanic Clay Black Head Gel Oil' that was written in Korea. LOL It wasn't rough and it was smooth! And the lid opens very well! It had a light mint color.. It was sort of like light sky-blue mixed with light mint. 

뒷모습을 찍었어요!멀리떨어져 있어서 잘 안보이지만 써드릴께요!
*뉴질렌드 화산 클레이와 미세 스크럽이 함유된 오일이 
울퉁불퉁한 블랙헤드 및 피부각질을 관리해주어 매
끈매끈하게 가꿔주는 젤 타임 오일*  이라고 써져있구 
뉴질랜드 화산클레이가 30mg함유되어있다구 해요!
사용법은 물기가 없는 상태에서 마사지를 한후에 미온수로 깨끗이 행궈준다고 써잇네요!

I took a photograph of its back! It's kind of hard to read the descriptions because it's too far away! So I'll write it down for you. 
*It says that the oil which contains the volcanic clay of New Zealand and fine scrubs cares the rough blackheads and dead skin cells and it also says that it's a gel-type oil that makes your skin smooth. It says that it contain about 30mg of volcanic clay of New Zealand!
The way to use it is you massage your face without water and then wash it off it warm water!

손에다가 짠 모습이에요!전 코쪽에 블랙헤드가 있어서 
주로 코에만 해서 저정도 짜고 나서 한답니다!
투명해보이지는 사실 안에는 미세한 알갱이들이 있어요!
그게 뉴질랜드 화산클레이인지는 모르지만 미세한알갱이와 젤로 마사지를 한답니다~

This is when I squeezed the product on my hand! I usually put this much on my nose because I have some blackheads near my nose!
The transparent cream contains fine scrubs!
I don't whether they are really from New Zealand, but those fine grains and gel massages your skin~

후레쉬를 터트려도 잘 안보이네요ㅠㅠ아쉽아쉽...
아 그리고 냄새는 시원한냄새랄까 냄새는 깨끗해질꺼같고 졿아요!ㅎㅎ
이제 얼굴에다가 발라볼께요!!!!!!!!!!제코....등장합니다.....흐엏......

You cannot really see them even with the flash on. :(
And the product smells cool and it makes you feel like you are being cleansed! LOL
I'll now put it on mu face! Here comes my nose.. 

바르기 전 코에요!ㅎㅎㅎ비교하기 쉽게 바르기 전 코사진도 올렸어요 핳...

This is my nose before applying the product! LOL I also uploaded the photograph of my nose before applying the product so that you may be able to easily compare the differences. 

하핳....볼쪽에 가까운 곳 있잖아요!아...뭐라 해야되죠..
.코 양쪽 끝이랑 콧잔등 그쯤에 블랙헤드가 많이 생기는데 
거기다가 발라서 마사지 하는 사진이에요!
막 물체같고 반짝거리는게 바로 젤 오일 이랍니다 ㅋㅋㅋ흔들렸어도 이해해주세요...
열심히 마사지 중이라서..ㅋㅋㅋ

You know the area that close to the cheek..
I usually get a lot of blackheads on the bridge of my nose and at the end of my nose. 
And this is a photograph of myself doing a massage there!
It a kind of gel oil that's similar to liquid and it's also glitters a lot. LOL I am sorry for the photograph that is a bit out of focus. 
You know.. I am working hard on my massage... LOL

사용하기 전이랑 사용한 후 코에요!
사용한 후에는 뭔가 깨끗해지고 말끔한 느낌이 들어요!ㅎㅎ.....느낌만....
제가 생일때 받아서 일주일에 적으면 한번 많으면 한 3~4번 하는데 
 아직 그렇게 큰 효과는 못느껴서 아쉬워요ㅠ.ㅠ
그래도 계속 쓰다보면 더 좋아질꺼...에요!!!!!
!방학동안 더 열심히 쓸 예정이랍니다 제발 블랙헤드와 헤어졌으면 좋겠네요ㅠ.ㅠ

This is the before and after applying the product!
I felt very clean and neat after using the product.. It's just a feeling.
I got this as a birthday gift and I usually use it three to four times a week.
I am a bit disappointed because it didn't see much of a difference. :(
But I am sure that it will get better when I use it continuously!
I'll be using it very hard during my vacation. I really wish to say goodbye to those blackheads. :(

<장 점>

1. 냄새가 좋다.
2. 지속적으로 쓸 경우 효과가 있다.

<단 점>

1. 큰 효과는 모르겠다.

1. It smells good
2. It is effective when you use it continuously.


1. I didn't see much of a difference yet. 

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.

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