Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sulhwasoo Yeseo Base (Cream) SPF20,PA++ Review

설화수 예서파운데이션 크림타입 13호 리뷰

비비만 바르던 내가  집에 굴러다니던 무려 2년 묶은 설화수 예빛 파운데이션 샘플을 발견하고 발라본 날 

신세계가 열렸음
21호 였고, 색깔이 좀 갈색이었는데, 신기하게도 발라보니 부드럽고 매끄럽게 싹 도포 돼면서 피부가 자연스럽게 환해보이고 촉촉해 보이는 효과 대박!!!!!!

그동안 크림타입 파데에 대한 오해가 있었더랬음
4~50대 아줌마들이 마치 마스크를 쓴듯한 커버력과 번들번들한 피부를 표현할 때 쓰는게 파덴줄 알았던 거임
비비는 회사별 제품별로 다 다르지만 내가 쓰기엔 조금 매트한 느낌이었음
각질 표현에 대박이랄까
어떻게 펴발라도 환절기라 그런지 각질들이 너무 도드라지는 거임 ㅠㅠ
그런 불만을 단번에 날려준 것이 파데였음
그리하여 편견이 얼마나 무서운건지 다시한번 깨달음

Sulhwasoo Yeseo Base (Cream) SPF20,PA++ Review

A new world opened up for me when I found and applied the sample of Sulwhasoo Yeseo Foundation that was about two years old. The color was no.21 and the color was brown. What was amazing was that it applied very softly and smoothly on the skin. It spread on the skin very smoothly and it made my skin to look very bright and mist. I think it's really amazing!

I've had a misunderstanding about cream type foundations. 
I thought they were products that are used by old women when they want to create a glossy expression on their face as if they are wearing a mask. Even though each company has different BB creams and each BB cream is different, the BB creams were sort of matt for me. 
It seemed to bring the dead skin into greater attention. 
Perhaps it was due to the change of seasons that the dead skin on my face were brought into greater attention. It was a foundation that had resolved all those problems. 
For such reasons, I've realized how prejudice is a scary thing once again. 

어쨌던  아줌마들의 전용품이라 느껴졌던 퍼쓰는 파데를 사게 된 거임
크림타입을 사기 전 방판언냐에게 파데샘플을 종류별로 받아 써 본 결과
리퀴드타입 보다는 크림 타입이 뭔가 더 부드럽고 촉촉하고 반들반들하게 도포돼는 거 같았음

예빛은 단종 돼서 그 명맥을 잇는 예서 파운데이션을 구입함

얼굴 피부가 검은 편인데
여러가지 샘플을 호수별로 써본 결과 제일 밝은 13호가 내 피부에 잘맞았음
속피부가 안비칠 정도로 커버 돼는 제품이 아니다 보니
아주 밝은 색이 피부를 화사하고 자연스럽게 표현해 주는거 같음

방판언냐한테 53,000원에 구매하고 받은 샘플들(제일 큰 덩어리는 본품임)

Anyway, I can say that I bought a foundation that I used to consider as a product that is only used by old women. After having used all sorts of foundation samples at the store, the cream type product was more soft and moist and spread on the skin in a more glossy way than the liquid type product. 

I bought /Yeseo foundation because Yebit Foundation was out of stock. 
The skin of my face is sort of dark and after trying out all sorts of samples, 
I found out that no.13, which is the brightest color, matched the best on me. 
The bright color seems to make the skin bright and look natural because it's not a product 
that covers the skin to a point that you cannot see the skin inside. 

These are the samples that I bought for 53,000 KRW. (The biggest one is the original product)

예서파운데이션은 4가지 색상이 있음
.13호 환한색
.21호 은은한색
.23호 차분한색
.25호 진한색

SPF20, PA++로 약간의 자외선 차단이됌

There are four different colors for Yeseo Foundation. 
No.;13 Bright color
No.21 Delicate color
No.23 Clam color
No.25 Strong color

The level of UV protection is PF20, PA++ and it sort of blocks the UV rays. 

사용효능 적혀있음

These are the effects that are written down on the box. 

30ml가 들어 있는 본품 케이스, 파스츌러?도 같이 들어있음

This is the 30ml case of the original product. It has a spatula in it. 

제품을 손등에 짜본 사진
예빛은 좀 갈색이어서 반전이 있었는데, 예서는 그냥 밝은 색임

This is when I squeezed out the product on the back of my hand. 
Yebit was sort of brown, but Yeseo is just a bright color. 

손에 펴 발라봤음
바른 곳과 안 바른 곳의 확연한 색깔차이 -_-;;
(손이 무슨 발처럼 나왔긔 ;;;;;;)

I spread it on my hands. 
There is a big difference in between the area that has applied the cream and the area that hasn't applied anything.  (My hands look like feet in the photograph)

자 이제 얼굴 갑니다~
So here comes my face~

사진이 작아서 조금 무의미해졌지만 어쨌던 얼굴 발색샷 비포 에프터 돼겠음

"천연색소에서 우러나온 자연스럽고 투명한색감.
매끄럽고 화사한 얼굴빛, 윤기있고 탄력있는 피부로 표현해주는 크림 타입 한방 파운데이션"
이라고 설명서에 써있었는데 천연색소인거는 까막눈이라 확인불가능이고 매끄럽고 화사하게 표현해주는건 맞는 듯

It sort of became meaningless because the photograph became so small. Anyway, this is the before and after photograph. 

"The transparent sense of color that derived from the natural colors. A cream type oriental foundation that helps to express a smooth and bright skin tone and a glossy and flexible skin"
This is what the product instruction says. Even though I am not quite sure that they've used the natural colors because I am illiterate, but I think it's definitely true that it expresses a smooth and bright look on the skin.

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