꽃남, 짐승남 등 멋진 남성에 대한 열풍이
남성특유의 피부 특성을 고려한 전용 기능성
제품들이 잇따라 출시 되고 있습니다.
차고 건조한 가을 바람에 수분이
각질이 우수수 일어나는 피부는
비호감을 자아냅니다.ㅠㅠ
(아무리 멋진 남성이라도, 얼굴에 피어오른 각질과 건조함은.. 그의
수분이 부족하면 피부탄력이
떨어지고, 트러블이 생기기 쉽습니다.
하지만!! 보습만 제대로 해도 촉촉하고 탄력있는
피부를 가질 수 있습니다.
또한 남성은 매일매일 쉐이빙을 하기 때문에
입가주변의 건조함과 당김에 몸부림 치고 있습니다.ㅠ
It seems like we are in the days that a moist and flexible skin are being considered as men's new virtue. The cosmetics that have considered the characteristics of men's skin are being released one after another as beautiful men are gaining a lot of popularity these days.
The skin that has a lot of dead skin in a cold and dry weather by the lack of moisture
are not liked by people.
(No matter how handsome you are, the dead skin on your face will really reduce the charm)
A person loses flexibility on the skin when the skin lacks moister and it's very likely to have skin troubles. But you can have a moist and flexible skin as long as you provide moisture to the skin properly. Also, the areas near the mouth are always dry for guys because they have to shave everyday.
즉, 각질을 필링이나 각질 제거제로 자극을 주는
보습 하나로 해결 할 수 있다는 얘기!!ㅎㅎ
코나 입가에 각질이 생기면,
대부분의 남성들의 행동은??
10명중 8명이 손으로 잡아 떼거나 그냥
여성들은 프라이머나 수분스틱, 로션 샘플등으로
커버를 하지만..
남성들에게 여성제품들이라도
사용해 보라고 권하지만..
휴대하며 사용하는 것도
불편해하고, 귀찮아 하는 남성들에겐
아침에 세안후 단한번의
사용으로 효과를 주는 강력한!! 제품이 필요합니다.
그리하여 ㅎㅎ 이번 리뷰의 제품은
럭셔리 한방화장품이 설화수에서 출시된
설화수 정양의 정양수와
정양유액 입니다!!!!!
이미 설화수의 브랜드 파워는
(대부분의 어머니들의 화장대에는 설화수라인이 꼭
고영양, 고보습의 한방화장품
In other words, you can solve all these problems just by providing enough moisture to your skin instead of removing the dead skin by peeling or irritating the skin with a remover.
What do guys do when they get dead skin near their nose or mouth?
Eight out of ten remove it with their hands or don't do anything about it.
Women tend to cover the dead skin with a primer, moisture stick or with a lotion samples.
But guys don't usually do that.
I personally recommend guys to use the women's cosmetics, but guys don't like to carry it round. So there needs to be a powerful product that can provide the effects for their skin by using it in the morning after washing their face. So the product that I am going to introduce this time is men's cosmetics that's recently been released by Sulwhasoo.
The name of this product is Sulwhasoo Moisturizing Fluid for Men.
The brand power of Sulwhasoo is already very amazing.
(Almost all mothers have a product of Sulwhasoo on their dressing table)
Sulwhasoo is a brand that is known to manufacture high nutrition and high moisturizing oriental cosmetics.
In other words, you can solve all these problems just by providing enough moisture to your skin instead of removing the dead skin by peeling or irritating the skin with a remover.
What do guys do when they get dead skin near their nose or mouth?
Eight out of ten remove it with their hands or don't do anything about it.
Women tend to cover the dead skin with a primer, moisture stick or with a lotion samples.
But guys don't usually do that.
I personally recommend guys to use the women's cosmetics, but guys don't like to carry it round. So there needs to be a powerful product that can provide the effects for their skin by using it in the morning after washing their face. So the product that I am going to introduce this time is men's cosmetics that's recently been released by Sulwhasoo.
The name of this product is Sulwhasoo Moisturizing Fluid for Men.
The brand power of Sulwhasoo is already very amazing.
(Almost all mothers have a product of Sulwhasoo on their dressing table)
Sulwhasoo is a brand that is known to manufacture high nutrition and high moisturizing oriental cosmetics.
스페셜 2종세트!!! 중후한 멋이 느껴지네요 ㅎㅎ)
설화수의 정양수와 정양유액을 간단히 소개하고
(전 맨스튜디오의 홍보대사가
아니고, 마케터이기 때문에 냉정하고 날카롭게 리뷰하겠습니다.)
(This is the original special set! The product looks very serious. LOL)
Let me briefly introduce Sulwhasoo's moisturizing fluid for you.
(I'll review the product very sharply and as it is because I am not marketer, not a honorary ambassador of the men studio)
(This is the original special set! The product looks very serious. LOL)
Let me briefly introduce Sulwhasoo's moisturizing fluid for you.
(I'll review the product very sharply and as it is because I am not marketer, not a honorary ambassador of the men studio)
(도자기를 잘 빚어 놓은 듯한 고급스러운 디자인)
우선 제 리뷰의 특성인 기본 스펙을 먼저 보자면~(설화수 홈페이지
정양수(120ml)는 애프터셰이브 기능과
에센스 기능이 결합 된
한방 에센셜 스킨입니다.(기존의 묽은 스킨이
아닌 에센스와 결합됨)
정양단과 인삼추출물이 면도로 거칠어진 피부를
개선하고, 피부를 빠르게 진정시키는 역할을 합니다.
정양유액(90ml)은 피부층이 두껍고 수분이 부족해 각질이
일어나는 남성들에게
풍부한 수분감과 유수분
밸런스로 매끄럽게 해주는 한방 유액입니다.
(A luxurious design that reminds me of a nice ceramics)
Let first take a look at the basic specifications. (Refer to Sulwhasoo's website)
The moisturizing fluid (120ml) is an oriental essential toner that has the function of aftershave and essence. (It's not the previous watery toner. It's a moisturizing fluid that's been combined with the essence) Ginseng extracts and various other oriental ingredients are known to enhance the skin and play the role of calming down the skin quickly.
The aftercare milky liquid (90ml) is an oriental milky liquid that helps to make the skin smooth with its abundant sense of moisture and oil & moisture balance for those guys who get dead skin by their thick skin and lack of moisture.
(A luxurious design that reminds me of a nice ceramics)
Let first take a look at the basic specifications. (Refer to Sulwhasoo's website)
The moisturizing fluid (120ml) is an oriental essential toner that has the function of aftershave and essence. (It's not the previous watery toner. It's a moisturizing fluid that's been combined with the essence) Ginseng extracts and various other oriental ingredients are known to enhance the skin and play the role of calming down the skin quickly.
The aftercare milky liquid (90ml) is an oriental milky liquid that helps to make the skin smooth with its abundant sense of moisture and oil & moisture balance for those guys who get dead skin by their thick skin and lack of moisture.
다음으로는 제품의 주요성분과 간단한
사용법을 확인하겠습니다.^^
주요성분은 아무래도 한방관련 성분들을 꼭 확인해야 겠죠?^^ㅎㅎ
정양라인에는 남성에게 좋은 성분인 송절, 산수유, 정양단, 황금추출물 등이
산수유는 신기강화에 좋고,
송절, 황금 추출물은 피부 진정 및 해독 작용과 항노화 작용을
정양단은 항염, 상처치유에 효과가
사용방법은 제품을 사용하며 확인하겠습니다.^^
(Product Description)
Next, let's take a look at the main ingredients and the instructions.
I guess it's a good idea to check the oriental ingredients in this product.
Sulwhasoo's aftercare series contain cornlian cherry, gold extracts and various other oriental ingredients that are good for guys. These oriental ingredients are known to calm down the skin and detoxify the poisons, play the role of preventing the aging of the skin. They are also known to have anti-inflammatory effects and effects for curing the wounds.
We'll take a look at the instructions by using the product. :)
(Product Description)
Next, let's take a look at the main ingredients and the instructions.
I guess it's a good idea to check the oriental ingredients in this product.
Sulwhasoo's aftercare series contain cornlian cherry, gold extracts and various other oriental ingredients that are good for guys. These oriental ingredients are known to calm down the skin and detoxify the poisons, play the role of preventing the aging of the skin. They are also known to have anti-inflammatory effects and effects for curing the wounds.
We'll take a look at the instructions by using the product. :)
(우선 정양수 부터!! 새제품을 사용하는
설명한대로 제품의 바디는 반투명의 검은 유리로 되어있고,
느낌을 줍니다.
단단하고 시원한 도자기를 들었을때의 느낌??
사용해 보았습니다.
(I'll first open the aftercare liquid. It always feels great to open a new product)
As I've mentioned previously,it's a half transparent black bottle and it's sort of heavy.
It's very solid and it feel like ceramics.
I applied the product on my skin.
(I'll first open the aftercare liquid. It always feels great to open a new product)
As I've mentioned previously,it's a half transparent black bottle and it's sort of heavy.
It's very solid and it feel like ceramics.
I applied the product on my skin.
(LAB의 제품과 제품 점성을 비교해
LAB시리즈의 워터로션과
비교를 해보았는데,
같이 정양수는 에센스스킨이어서
기존의 스킨과는 달리 묵직하고 점성이 있는
스킨인 물과 같이 주륵 흘러내린다면 정양수는 이와는 반대되었습니다.
(워터로션과 비교한 이유는 두제품이 타겟층도 다르고 제품 성향도
고급라인이고 정향수가 에센스 스킨이니, 기존의 스킨과의 차이점을 보기 위해 비교함)
(I compared the viscosity with LAB's product)
I compared it with LAB Series' Water Lotion. As you can see in the photograph, the aftercare liquid was quite heavy and had a high viscosity unlike the other toners that were released previously because it is an essence toner. If ordinary toners ran down from your skin like water, the aftercare liquid water just the opposite. (The reason why I compared it with the water lotion is because they are both advanced series and also because I wanted to see the differences with the previous toners even though they are targeted for different type of people.)
(I compared the viscosity with LAB's product)
I compared it with LAB Series' Water Lotion. As you can see in the photograph, the aftercare liquid was quite heavy and had a high viscosity unlike the other toners that were released previously because it is an essence toner. If ordinary toners ran down from your skin like water, the aftercare liquid water just the opposite. (The reason why I compared it with the water lotion is because they are both advanced series and also because I wanted to see the differences with the previous toners even though they are targeted for different type of people.)
(손등에 펴발라
같이 손이 코팅되는 느낌??시간이 지난뒤 뽀송해졌습니다.
에센스스킨이다 보니 손등에 막이 쳐지는 느낌이 들었습니다.
즉, 다른 제품들보다 보습력은 매우 뛰어나지만, 유분기가 조금 있는
다행히 시간이 지나자 답답할 것 같던 유분기가 없어지고
중장년층의 남성제품이어서 유분기를 많이 제거 한 것 같았습니다.
사용을 해 보았는데,
첫느낌은.. 향이 무척 강하다??
아버지들의 스킨 로션 향이 났습니다.
설화수의 제품 처럼 한방의 향이 날 것이라 예상 하였지만,
오리엔탈향이 전해졌습니다.
향수처럼 점차 향이 약간식 변하며, 처음의 진한향이 점차 부드러워져
나름 민감한 저에게도 은은한 부드러움을 주었습니다.
첫향은 너무 진해 아찔 했습니다.ㅎ)
(예전에는 시트러스 같은 상큼하거나 달콤한 향이 좋았는데..
갈수록 블루드샤넬같은 중후하면서 여유로운 향이 좋아지네요ㅎㅎ)
다음으로는 정양유액
(I applied it on the back of my hand)
It seemed to coat my hand as in the photograph. It became soft after some time.
It seems to have created a coat layer on the surface of the skin because it's an essence skin.
In other words, the product has better moisturizing ability than other products, it was sort of oily.
However, the sense of suffocation and oiliness disappeared after some time and the skin became very soft. It seemed to have got rid of the oil because it's a product for the older men.
I also applied it on my face and
the first thing that I noticed was that it had a strong fragrance.
It smelled like the father's skin lotion.
I expected it to have an oriental fragrance like women's products,
but it had a deep oriental fragrance.
The fragrance felt very delicate even for a person like me who is very sensitive to fragrance because the fragrance changed after some time like a perfume and the strong fragrance become very faint.
(The fragrance that I smelled first was extremely strong)
(I used to like the refreshing smell of citrus or sweet smell before. But I am beginning to like serious and relaxed fragrance as I am getting older)
The next is aftercare liquid.
(I applied it on the back of my hand)
It seemed to coat my hand as in the photograph. It became soft after some time.
It seems to have created a coat layer on the surface of the skin because it's an essence skin.
In other words, the product has better moisturizing ability than other products, it was sort of oily.
However, the sense of suffocation and oiliness disappeared after some time and the skin became very soft. It seemed to have got rid of the oil because it's a product for the older men.
I also applied it on my face and
the first thing that I noticed was that it had a strong fragrance.
It smelled like the father's skin lotion.
I expected it to have an oriental fragrance like women's products,
but it had a deep oriental fragrance.
The fragrance felt very delicate even for a person like me who is very sensitive to fragrance because the fragrance changed after some time like a perfume and the strong fragrance become very faint.
(The fragrance that I smelled first was extremely strong)
(I used to like the refreshing smell of citrus or sweet smell before. But I am beginning to like serious and relaxed fragrance as I am getting older)
The next is aftercare liquid.
(손에 촥 감기는 디자인과 펌핑사용방식)
밸런스를 조절해 피부를 유연하게 해준다는 정양유액을 살펴 보았습니다.
손에 촥 감기는 디자인과 펌핑식 사용방법.
제품의 바디는 정양수의 그것과
(It has a very nice grip and it's a pumping type product)
I took a look at the aftercare liquid that is known to make the skin flexible by controlling the oil and moisture balance. First of all, it had a very nice grip and it had a pump.
The body of the product was similar to the aftercare.
(제품의 점성 테스트)
생각보다 무겁거나 기름진 느낌이
끈적하게 늘어지지 않고, 똑 떨어지는 느낌
(Viscosity test)
It wasn't heavy or oily as I've expected it would be.
It didn't stretch in a sticky way.
(손등에 테스트
사용법 대로 두번의 펌핑으로 꽤 많은 양이 나왔습니다.
제품의 사출부가 볼록하게 튀어나와 제품사용후 이물질이 묻지
않는 점이 마음에 쏙 들었습니다.
향은 정향수의 향과
연한 느낌? 그리고 한방의 향이 조금더 나는 제품이었습니다.
(I tested on the back of my hand)
A great amount came out when I pumped it twice or three times.
What I really liked about this product was that I didn't have to make the mouth dirty after using the product because pump was sticking out.The fragrance was similar to the aftercare liquid.
It was sort of lighter and had a stronger oriental fragrance.
(마침.. 손이 튼 곳이 있어 핸즈 크림 대신 제품들을 사용
왼쪽사진을 보시면 엄지손에 하얗게 각질이 올라왔습니다.
정양수와 정양유액을 사용해보니 하얀 각질이 싹~ㅎㅎ
부분은 제가 두드리다보니..ㅎㅎㅎ
몇시간후에도 다시 각질이 일어나지 않았습니다.
(I applied the product instead of a hand cream because there was a rough skin on my finger just in time.)
As you can see in the photograph on the left, there are some dead skin on my thumb.
I was able to remove the dead skin on that area when I applied the moisturizing fluid.
It became sort of red because I tapped it.
The dead skin didn't come out even after several hours.
두제품 모두 남성의 각질과 건조함에 밀접하게
에프터셰이브의 기능과 심한 가을,겨울철을 제외하면
정양수 하나만의 사용으로도
충분한 보습력을 지닌 좋은 제품 이었습니다.
(제값을 하네요 ㅎㅎ)
보습력과 지속력이 매우 뛰어났고, 생각보다
무겁거나 답답하지 않은 느낌 이었으며,
향이 조금 진해 20대나 30대 초반에게는 살짝
어울리지 않았으나, 끝향은 부드러웠습니다.
민감성피부인 저도 처음에는 연령대가 높고 향이 강한
혹시 트러블이 나지 않을까 걱정하였지만, 트러블도
없고 좋습니다.^^
하지만, 은은한 향과 항상 산뜻하고 가벼운 제품을
원하는 유저들에겐 조금은 부족한 듯 합니다.
Let me summarize what I felt about this product.
Both of the products were products that are closely related to men's dead skin and dryness.
It was an aftershave product that had enabled me to provide enough moisture to the skin with only the aftercare liquid except during winter. (It's definitely worth it)
The moisturizing ability and durability were outstanding and it wasn't suffocating as I've expected. Even though It may not match very well for those people who are in their twenties or thirties because it had a strong fragrance., the fragrance become better after some time.
At first, I was worried that it might create skin troubles for my sensitive skin because I am quite old and also because the product had strong smell. But it didn't create any trouble for my skin.
However, the product doesn't seem to be enough for those people who are looking for a refreshing and light product that has delicate fragrance.
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