Sunday, December 23, 2012

VOV Good bye eye pender original mascara Review

VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara

보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라 [4호 네버다이 워터프루프]

눈밑번짐방지 종결자
물과 땀에 완벽한 강력세팅 마스카라

1) 물과 땀에 강력한 눈 밑 번짐 방지 효과!
-SUPER 러버 코팅 시스템으로 물과 땀에 완벽한, 절대 눈밑 번짐 방지 효과 마스카라
-속눈썹 빠르게 건조시키는 Quick Dry Setting Polymer와
윤기있게 코팅해주는 Flexible Polymer 성분이 속눈썹 한올 한올에 멀티 코팅 층 형성

2) 강력한 멀티 세팅 효과
-수퍼 러버 브러쉬가 약하고 처진 속눈썹을 힘껏 올려 주고,
속눈썹을 풍성하게 하는 볼륨 업 파우더(Volume up Powder)와
컬을 지속시켜주는 컬 업 왁스(curl up wax) 성분이 하루종일 세팅된 속눈썹

3)약해진 속눈썹에 집중 영양 공급
-속눈썹을 한올 한올 보호해 주는 판테놀 성분과
영양을 공급해주는 검정콩 추출물 함유

VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara (No.4 Never Die Waterproof)

The ultimate and powerful mascara that is perfect in water and sweat. 

1)The ultimate and powerful effect of prevention of spreading under one's eyes in water and sweat. 
- The prevention of spreading under one's eyes in water and sweat in all circumstances with the SUPER rubber coating. 
- It creates multi-layers on each and every eyelashes with Quick Dry Setting Polymer, a substance that quickly dries the eyelashes, and Flexible Polymer, a substance that creating a glossy coating. 

2) Powerful multi-setting effects
- The SUPER rubber brush lifts up the dropping and weak eyelashes very hard and the Volume Up Powder and Curl Up Wax substances help users to have eyelashes in the perfect setting for the entire day. 

3) Intensively provides nutrition to the eyelashes that have become weak
- Contains panthenol, which protects each and every eyelashes, and black bean extracts that provides nutrition. 

강력 번짐방지!!
워터프루프가 뛰어나기로 유명한 보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라!

The powerful prevention of smears!
The VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara that is famous for its waterproof effects!

2011.4.30 제조된 제품으로 영어설명도 함께 씌여있네요.
This product is manufactured on April.30th.2011 and it also has an English description. 

물과 땀에 쉽게 번지지않는 완벽한 워터프루프 효과와 강렬한 멀티 세팅력의 마스카라

방수성이 탁원한 수퍼러버 코팅효과로 하루종일 물과 땀, 피지에 
번짐없이 깨끗한 상태로 유지시켜 줍니다.
고탄성 수퍼 러버 브러쉬가 속눈썹을 한올한올 뭉침없이 힘껏 올려주며,
덧발라도 뭉침없이 볼륨을 연출해줍니다.
판네놀 및 검정콩 성분이 함유되어 풍성하고 쉽게 끊어지기 
쉬운 속눈썹을 윤기있고 탄력있게 가꿔줍니다.

The ultimate mascara that does not easily smear in water or sweat with waterproof effects and powerful capabilities of multi-setting. 

It maintains the pores in clean conditions against water and sweat for the rest of the day with the super rubber coating effects. The super rubber brush of high elasticity lifts up the eyelashes very powerfully and creates a volume without lumps even if you re-apply them. It makes your weak and fragile eyelashes to glow and have elasticity because it contains panthenol and black bean extracts. 

보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라

블랙칼라의 유광케이스, 심플하지만 촌스럽지않고 이뻐요.

VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara

The black-colored glossy case is very simple and pretty. 

보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라의 이름인 오리지날이 쓰여있네요.
블루로 포인트!

This is the word 'original' , which is the name of VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara. It has added a design point with the blue color. 

용량은 10ml , 개봉 후 6개월 내 사용권장
4호 네버다이 워터프루프

The volume is 10ml and it is recommended that you use it within 6 months from unsealing.
No. 4 Never Die Waterproof

좀 신기한 타입의 브러쉬에요.
말랑말랑하면서 탄력있는 고무로 만들어져있어요.
바로 고탄성 수퍼 러버 브러쉬로 속눈썹을 한올한올 뭉침없이 힘껏 올려주며, 
덧발라도 뭉침없이 볼륨을 연출해줍니다.

브러쉬 틈새사이로 마스카락액이 떡져있지않아서_속눈썹에 한올한올 발리는 느낌이에요.
뭉침없이 발리고, 덧발라도 뭉침이 적어서 볼륨감있는 속눈썹을 연출할 수 있어요.

This brush is kind of cool.
It is made of soft and flexible rubber. 
It lifts up each and every eyelashes very powerfully with the super rubber brush
and also creates volume without lumps even if you re-apply them. 

It feel as if each and every eyelash is being taken care of because the mascara liquid in between the gap of the brush doesn't lump up. You are able to create eyelashes with much volume because it does not lump up even if you re-apply them over many times. 

워터프루프 테스트,

좀 두껍게 발려서 그런지 건조가 조금 더디더라고요.
흐르는 물에는 큰 번짐이 없지만, 손가락으로 문지르면 번지더군요.
일부러 속눈썹을 비비지는 않으니 크게 걱정안해도 될 듯^^

The waterproof test

Perhaps it was because it had been applied a bit thick that It took some time to dry up. 
It does not smear in the flowing water but it smeared when I rubbed it with my hands.
I guess you do not have to worry about this because we do not rub our eyelashes intentionally. 

보브 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라 사용 후
After applying VOV Good-bye Eye Pender Original Mascara

전 원래 마스카라를 여러번 덧바르는 것보다 한번정도 발라서 컬링만 잡아주고 
깔끔하게 연출하는걸 좋아해요!
보브 마스카라는 속눈썹 한올한올 뭉침없이 발리기때문에 깔끔하게 발리더라고요.

건조속도는 보통!
여러번 덧바르길 좋아하는 분이라면 시간을 두고 덧발라서 
완벽히 건조시켜야 눈밑에 묻어나지 않을 것 같아요.

보브 마스카라에는 판네놀 및 검정콩 성분이 함유되어 
속눈썹을 윤기있고 탄력있게 가꿔준다고해요.

일상적인 생활에서는 워터프루프 효과가 좋아요.
눈가의 유분에 강한 편이라 눈밑에 쉽게 번지지 않아 팬더가 될 염려가 적어요!
역시 팬더와 안녕할 수 있는 굿바이 아이펜더 오리지널 마스카라!!

I like doing my make-ups by making my curling with a single stroke, rather than re-applying it many times. The VOV mascara can be applied very cleanly because it applies on each and every eyelash without lumps. 

The drying speed was quite normal!
If you are one of those people who like re-applying it many times, you would probably have to perfectly dry it. Or else it will smear on the bottom of your eyes.

The VOV mascara is known to take care of your eyelashes with glossiness and elasticity because it contains panthenol and black bean extracts. 

Waterproof products are good for ordinary everyday lives. 
There is a lower risk of becoming a panda because it does not smear very easily on the bottom of your eyes. This really is the kind of product that I was looking for  in order to avoid becoming a panda!

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

VOV Baby Shine Foot Peeling Pack Review

VOV Baby Shine Foot Peeling Pack

여름엔 힐이나 샌들을 많이신어 발 관리를 특히 더 신경써야하잖아요 ~
근데 전 페디큐어만 열심히 발랐지 발관리는 정~말 안하거든요 ㅠㅠ

샌들 사이로 보이는 하얀 각질이 정말 민망할때 !
보브 베이비 샤인 풋 필링팩 추천해요 ㅋㅋㅋ

정말 최근 써봤던 화장품들중 가장 신기했던 제품이예요 +_+

You know how we have to take care of your feet more during summer because we often wear high heels or sandals. I've been using pedicures up to this day and I really didn't care much about my feet. 

VOV Baby Shine Foot Peeling Pack is something that I highly recommend for those people
who feel embarrassed by their white flaky skin that are exposed in between the gaps of your sandals. LOL :)

This is the most cool and amazing product among the products that I've used recently. 

제품명 : 보브 베이비 샤인 풋 필링팩
Product name: VOV Baby Shine Foot Peeling Pack

하얗게 일어나는 지저분한 각질 고민 끝~ 이라는 문구가 인상적인
보브 베이비 샤인 풋 필링팩이예요 ㅋㅋ

플러스천에선 6,300원에 판매되고 있어요 ^.^
그런데 지금은 품절이네요 ㅠㅠ

플러스천에서 품절뜬건 처음봤어요. 얼마나 인기있는지 아시겠죠?ㅎㅎ

"Stop worrying about the ugly-looking white flaky skin~" would be the translation of VOV baby Shine Foot Peeling Pack's catch phrase. LOL :)

It is being sold for 6,300 KRW at 'Plus1000'.
But it ran out of stock right now. :(

This is the first that I've seen something go out of stock at Plus1000.
You would be able go guess how popular this product is just by looking at this. LOL :)

뒷면엔 간단한 제품설명이 적혀있어요 -
There is a simple product overview on the back. 

보통 발 각질제거하면 버퍼로 벅벅 밀어내거나
억지로 뜯어내는걸 생각하셨죠??
I guess a lot of people think about exfoliating their skin 
when we talk about skin-exfoliating products. 

저도 늘 그렇게 해왔는데, 그렇게 억지로 떼어내면 떼어낼수록
각질이 더 심해지더라구요 -
I've been doing that for quite some time, but flaky skin becomes even worse if you do that. 

근데 이 보브 베이비 샤인 풋 필링팩은
필링액이 피부에 흡수되서 자연스럽게 각질층을 떼어내준다고해요 -

But VOV Baby Shine Foot Peeling Pack is known to take off the dead skin layer very naturally because the peeling pack is absorbed into the skin.

시간은 좀 오래걸리지만 자극없이 건강하게 각질제거를 할 수 있어요 >ㅅ<
It take some amount of time, but you are able to exfoliate your dead skins very naturally without much stimulation. 

드라마틱하게 단기간에 각질이 제거되는게 어찌보면 더 좋아보일 수 있지만,
성분은 정말 독하다더라구요.

Exfoliating the dead skins very dramatically within a short period of time may seem like a better idea, but those products are quite harmful. 

그것보단 순한 식물성 성분들을 사용해서
시간은 좀 걸리더라도 발에 자극없이 각질제거해주는게 좋은것 같아요 ㅎㅎ

I think it's a better idea to exfoliate your dead skins without much stimulation by using mild vegetable substances even if it takes time.

그리고 이 보브 베이비 샤인 풋 필링팩은 집에서 정말 간편하게 할 수 있기 때문에
더 끌리는 매력이 있달까요 ㅋㅋ

In addition, this VOV Baby Shine Foot Peeling Pack is more attractive because you are able to do it in your own house very conveniently. 

아래서 사용법을 자세히 알려드리겠지만,
이 샤인 풋 필링팩은 버선모양의 풋시트를 신고 1시간 30분동안 있어야되기 때문에
움직일 수밖에 없더라구요 ;ㅅ;

I'll talk about the way to use this below.. but I must inform you that you cannot move around for an hour and a half. after wearing the foot sheet that looks like  socks.  But I had to move around eventually. 

적혀있기론 가급적이면 움직이지 말라했는데
전 밖에도 나갔다오고..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 막 움직였어요 ㅋㅋ

The description told me not to move around but I even went outside
and moved around. LOL :)

그리고 하루만에 각질제거 되는게 아니라 완전히 제거되기까진
전 약 10일정도 걸렸어요 ! ㅎㅎ

And the flaky skins didn't get exfoliated in a single day. 
It took about 10 days for me. :)

주요 성분들이예요 ^.^
These are the main substances of the product. 

필링이라하면 독한 성분이 제일먼저 떠오르는데
보브 베이비 샤인 풋 필링팩은 순한 식물성 성분들로 이루어져있어
안심하고 사용할 수 있겠더라구요 ㅎㅎ

We often think of harmful substances when we talk about peeling. But this VOV Baby Shine Foot Peeling Pack was made of mild vegetable substances and I was very relieved. 

그리고 뒷면 하단쪽엔 제조일이 적혀있어요 -
There is the date of manufacture on the bottom of the case's back.  

구성품들을 모두 꺼내보았어요 ^.^

(좌)파우치 1회 사용분과 (우)풋 커버시트예요

I took out all the components.
The left is the amount for one day and the right is the cover sheet for covering your feet. 

이렇게 양 발에 하나씩 부어주면 되는 제품이예요 - ㅎㅎ
1회용이라 조금 아쉽긴 하지만,

한번 각질제거 한 뒤엔 보통 3~6개월정도 유지된다고해요 ㅎㅎ
물론, 각질이 심한 분들은 한달에 한번씩 사용한다고 하네요 ;ㅅ;
이건 개인차죠~?ㅎㅎ

You just have to pour it on each foot. 
It's a little disappointing because it can only be used once, but it says that it lasts for about 3 to 6 months after exfoliating. Of course, those people who have serious problems on the feet would have to use it every month. It really depends on each person. 

이건 버선모양의 시트팩이예요 ! ㅎㅎ
신발신는것처럼 신고있으면 되니 움직이기도 편했어요 ㅋㅋ
안쪽은 흡수가 잘 되게끔 얇은 부직포로 되있고,
바깥쪽은 방수커버되있어서 용액이 흐를 걱정은 안하셔도되요 - ㅋㅋ

This is the sheet pack that looks like socks.
It was quite comfortable because all you have to do it wear them just like your shoes.
The inside is made of non-woven fabric for quick absorption and the outside is made of waterproof cover. You won't have to worry about liquid overflowing. 

파우치 뒷면에도 사용법과 TIP이 적혀있어요 ^.^

두근두근 기대하며 사용해보겠습니다 +_+

There also is the description of the product and the tip on the back of the pouch. 
I'm quite exited to use this!

먼저 버선모양의 시트팩을 양 발에 신어주세요 -
First, wear the sheet pack that looks like socks on each foot. 

그리고 파우치를 양 발에 각각 하나씩 부어주세요.
그럼 시트팩 안이 흥건히 젖어있을거예요 -
Then pour the contents of the pouch on each foot.
Then your sheet pack will be filled with the liquid.

향은 살짝 상콤하기도 한 베이비 파우더 향이예요.
정말 아가발이 될것같은 향이더라구요 +_+ㅋㅋㅋ

It has a refreshing baby powder fragrance.
It was a kind of smell that made me think that my feet would become like the baby's feet. 

그 다음 윗쪽의 줄(?) 2개를 꽁꽁 묶어주세요
용액이 흐르지 않도록 꼭 막아줘야겠죠?ㅎㅎ

Then tie the 2 strings on the top.
You better tie them tightly so that the liquid won't flow.

이 상태로 1시간 30분동안 방치합니다 !
You stay like this for an hour and half. 

시간이 지난후엔 시트를 벗고 남아있는 용액을 흡수시키거나 물로 씻어내라고 나와있는데,
전 거의 발에 다 흡수된 상태라 별로 흡수시킬게 없더라구요 ㅎㅎ
The description said that I must wash the remaining liquid with water or absorb them, but I didn't have much to absorb because most of the liquid had already been absorbed by my feet.

그리고 발 팩같은건 끈적임이나 찝찝한 느낌이 있어서 사용하기 꺼려지잖아요 ~
이건 전혀 끈적임이 없었어요 +_+
오히려 시원하고 산뜻한 느낌이라 바로 활동하기도 찝찝하지 않더라구요 ㅎㅎ
You know how feet packs are uncomfortable to use because they have this sticky and awkward feeling. But this product didn't have any stickiness.
It was rather cool and refreshing. So it was quite comfortable to move around.

그리고 풋 필링팩 한뒤 바로 누워서 코 하려고하는데,
살짝 온열감이 느껴지면서 발이 아주조금 따뜻해졌어요 ㅎㅎ
I wanted to go to bed right after I did the foot peeling,
but my feet began to heat up a bit. 

풋 필링 팩 한뒤 까맣게 잊고있었는데
4일후 봉숭아뼈있는 부분을 보니 이렇게 각질이 벗겨지더라구요 +_+

오오 드디어 시작이구나..!!!! 했는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I totally forgot that I did the peeling and I accidentally saw my feet after 4 days.
And this was what it looked like.

I thought "It's beginning to happen!"

같은날 실내에서 신발을 벗어보니 이렇게 벗겨져있던 ;ㅅ; ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
But this is what it looked like when I saw my feet on the same day. LOL :)

아무래도 발바닥이 제일 마찰이 잦아서 각질이 제일 쉽게 벗겨졌나봐요 - ㅎㅎ
그리고 전 힐을 많이신어서인지 발바닥쪽에 굳은살이 심했는데
그게 두껍게 벗겨지더라구요 +_+

It looks like the soles have been peeled off most easily because they are have a lot of friction. And perhaps because I wear high heels a lot that I had a lot of callus.. and those callus came off very thick. 

이걸 시작으로 발등, 발가락 전체적으로 각질이 스물스물 벗겨져요 ㅋㅋㅋ
각질층이 두껍거나 굳은살이 있는 부분은 사진처럼 두껍게 벗겨지고,
발등이나 발가락처럼 각질이 별로 없는곳은
허물 벗겨지듯 아주 얇게 벗겨졌어요 ㅋㅋ

With that as the beginning, the top of your feet and all the toes begin slowly lose their skin. LOL The thicker parts of your dead skins and the callus come off like in the photograph and the areas that do not have much dead cells, such as the top of the feet and the toes, come off very thin as if a snake slips out from his skin. LOL :)

각질벗겨낼땐 진짜 하나도 안아프고 그냥 손 가는대로 쭉쭉 벗겨져요 ㅋㅋ
너무 재밌어요 ♡ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It does not hurt at all when you are peeling the skin off. 
It comes off very easily and if's so much fun! LOL:)

각질 벗겨진곳, 안벗겨진곳 보면 확실히 발이 좀 더 매끈하고 부드러워진게 보이죠 +_+

As you can see, it really does make a difference when you look at the areas that have been peeled off and the the areas that still haven't been peeled off. 

이 전 사진처럼 각질이 두껍게 벗겨지는곳은 정말 쉽게 벗겨지는데
발등이나 발가락같이 각질이 아주 얇게 벗겨지는곳은 떼어내기 좀 힘들더라구요 ;ㅅ;
 발이 정말 지저분해보여요 ㅠㅠ

As you can see on the photograph, the thick skins came off very easily for me. 
But the skin that came off very thin was a bit difficult to peel off. 
Your feet becomes a bit messy. :(

그럴땐 이렇게 간단히 족욕해준후 때밀듯이 쭉쭉 밀어내면
얇은 각질들이 쉽게 벗겨져요 ㅎㅎ

All you have to do is to take a foot bath and peel the skin off as if you are 
scrubbing the dirt off and the thin dead skins will come off very easily. 

사실 그냥 발 한번 씻고나와도 얇은 각질들은 다 밀어지더라구요 - ㅋㅋ

In fact, all the dead skin falls apart when you simple wash your feet. 

좀 더 빨리 전체적으로 다 각질제거 해주고 싶으면
족욕을 자주해주면 되겠어요 ㅋㅋ

You could take a foot bath more often if you want to take them off more quickly.

특히 심한 발바닥쪽 굳은살 부분이예요 -
완전히 각질 제거한 뒤엔 두꺼웠던 굳은살이 많이 벗겨져있더라구요 - ㅎㅎ

The most severe area is the part where you have the callus on the soles.
A lot callus had been peeled off after scrubbing the dead skins completely.
Can you see them?

10일이 지난 지금, 발바닥은 물론 발 전체의 얇은 각질이 벗겨져셔 그런지
심리적으로 발이 더 매끈해진것 같기도 해요 ㅋㅋㅋ

I could feel that my feet has become more smooth after 10 days.. perhaps it is because all the dead skins had been peeled off. 

친절히 적혀있는 Q&A ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2번 질문처럼 딱히 건조한 느낌은 없었어요 -
그냥 이 보브 베이비 샤인 풋 필링 팩을 하면서 느낀건...
각질 벗겨낼때 너무 재밌다는거예요...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

This is the Q&A section .
In regards to question number 2, I was not able to feel much dryness.
The one thing that I've felt by using this VOV Baby Shine Foot Peeling Pack was that 
it is so much fun when you are taking the skin off! LOL :)


아무래도 시간이 좀 지난뒤에 각질이 벗겨지기 시작하니
시간을 잘 계산해서 사용하시는게 좋을것 같아요.

Your skin will come off after some time.. 
So It would be a better idea to calculate the time before you use it. 

전 계산해서 ㅋㅋ 방학하기 몇일전에 풋 팩을 했더니
방학하고 벗겨지기 시작해서 지저분한 상태로 외출할일은 별로 없었는데
그냥 아무때나 하면 각질이 막 일어나 있는 상태로 힐 신고 외출해야할 일이 생길거예요 ㅠㅠ!!

I calculated the time very well and I did the peeling a few days before my vacation. 
So I was able to avoid going out with messy feet. But if you do the peeling without much thought, you might have to go out with your high heels and your feet would look very messy.

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them. 

VOV Apple Bol Creamy Blusher 8.7g Review

VOV Apple Bol Creamy Blusher 8.7g

이번 리뷰제품은
보브의 여름 신상제품중 하나인
애플볼 크리미 블러셔  #1호 크리미 애플리콧, #2호 크리미 애플핑크 이다.
사실 나는 블러셔는 일반 파우더처리된 블러셔만을 사용해왔고
한번도 크림 블러셔는 사용한적이없다.
아무튼 크림블러셔라고 해서
기름지고 찝찝할거라는 나의 편견을 깨부숴준
보브의 애플볼 크리미 돔블러셔이다.
아무튼 애플볼 크리미 블러셔  #1호 크리미 애플리콧, #2호 크리미 애플핑크 리뷰 ㄱㄱㄱ

The products that I am going to have talk about this time are Apple Bol Creamy Blusher No.1 Creamy Apple Ricot and Creamly Apple Pink No.2. For blushers, I've been using ordinary blushers that have been powder-processed and never used the cream blushers before. Anyway, this Apple Bol Creamy Dome Blusher by VOV made me to cast my prejudices that cream blushers are oily and uncomfortable. Anyway, let me begin my review on Apple Bol Creamy Blusher No.1, Creamy Apple Ricot and Creamly Apple Pink No.2.

[보브] 애플볼 크리미 블러셔  #1호 크리미 애플리콧, #2호 크리미 애플핑크
용량: 8.7g
제조원: 코스맥스

[VOV] Apple Bol Creamy Blusher No.1 Creamy Apple Ricot and Creamly Apple Pink No.2
Volume: 8.7g
Manufacturer: Cosmax

① 애플볼 크리미 블러셔  #1호 크리미 애플리콧, #2호 크리미 애플핑크 외관

① The view of Apple Bol Creamy Blusher No.1 Creamy Apple Ricot and Creamly Apple Pink No.2

이번 생기우기 컬렉션의 외관은
아이보리 배경색에 귀여운 장화그림이 그리져있는 패키지이다.
나름 여름에 어울리고 귀엽당 ㅎㅎㅎ
상자 윗면, 밑면이 투명필름으로 되어있어서
색상이나 이름을 한눈에 알아낼수 있다.
또한 상자옆면, 뒷면에는 각각
제품설명이나 전성분, 특징등이 자세히 기재되어 있다.

The case of the collection is a package in an ivory background with the design of high boots. It looks very appropriate and cute for summer. You will be able to see the color and the names because the top and the bottom are made of transparent films. Also, the product description, ingredients and characteristics are on the sides and the back in much detail. 

애플볼 크리미 돔블러셔라는 이름답게
돔모양이 인상적이다.
얼핏보면 콘아이스크림의 아이스크림 모양같기도 하다.
앙증맞고 귀여운 외관이다.
근데 살짝 위의 플라스틱 뚜껑부분이 헐거운거 같아서 아쉽긴하다.
좀더 플라스틱 뚜껑부분을 단단히 해줬으면 한다.
아무튼 실제로 보면 완전 귀요미임ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그리고 한눈에 봐도 맨질맨질한 크림타입의 블려셔다.
크림블러셔라고 하기엔 살짝 단단해 보이기까지 하다.
아무튼 손가락으로 블러셔를 만져보니
크리미하면서도 파우더리한듯한 마무리감을 지녔다.
개인적으로 코랄빛 색상이 굉장이 이쁘게 잘나왔다.

Impressively enough, Apple Bol Creamy Dome Blusher is a beautiful shape of a dome.
It kind of looks like the shape of an ice-cream at a glance. It is very lovely and cute design.
However, it's a bit disappointing because the plastic lid on the top is a bit loose.
I would be so much better if the plastic lid is tighter. Anyway, the product is so much adorable. I could in glance that It is a smooth cream-type blusher. It rather looks a bit hard to be called as a cream blusher. I touched the cream with my finger and it had an extremely creamy and powdery finish. I personally like the beautiful coral color of this product. 

② 애플볼 크리미 블러셔  #1호 크리미 애플리콧, #2호 크리미 애플핑크 손등발색 

② The colors of Apple Bol Creamy Blusher No.1 Creamy Apple Ricot and Creamly Apple Pink No.2

직접 본통째로 문질러서
팔등에 애플볼 크리미 돔블러셔를 발라보았다.
발색이 선명하면서도
각각 색상에 맞게 코랄+피치 빛/ 딸기우유 핑크빛이 예쁘게 발색되는 편이다.
그리고 크림이라고해서
유분기가 많고 그럴줄알았는데
오히려 파우더리한 마무리감을 지녔다.
개인적으로 이점이 마음에 든다.
유분기가 많으면 그만큼 지속력도 안좋을것 같기 때문이다.
아무튼 발색은 여리여리하게 되고
파우더리한 촉감을 지닌 코랄빛/핑크빛 크림블러셔이다.

I applied the Apple Bol Creamy Dome Blusher on my arms by scrubbing the entire case.
The color was very clear and it had a beautiful combination of coral+peach and the pink color of the strawberry milk. I thought that it would have much oil, but it rather had a powdery finish. I personally like this point. It's because it won't last long if it is too oily. Anyway, the color was quite nice and I must say that it's a pretty good coral & pink cream blusher that has a powdery touch. 

워터프루프 테스트를 해봤다.
흐르는 물에도 전혀 지워지지 않고
블러셔가 그대로 남아있다.
아무튼 워터프루프 기능은 제대로 하는 녀석이다.
방수기능 인정ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I did the waterproof test. 
The blusher didn't erase at all in the flowing water and it remained as it is. 
It is a product with a perfect water proof function. 
I am quite amazed by this. LOL :)

종이에 발색해보니
역시 선명하게 발색되는 편이다.
아무튼 피치, 코랄빛이 웜톤에게 잘 맞을듯한 색상이다.
반면에 딸기우유빛의 크리미 애플핑크색은 쿨톤에 잘어울릴듯한 색상이다.
개인적으로 이 둘의 색상은 참 마음에든다.

I applied the blusher on a piece of paper and the color comes out very clearly. 
Anyway, it looks like the coral color will suit very well for those people who have warm skin tones. On the other hand, the strawberry milk-like apple cream color will fit very well on those who have cool skin tones. I personally like these two colors very much. 

③ 애플볼 크리미 블러셔  #1호 크리미 애플리콧 얼굴에 발라보기
③ Applying the Apple Bol Creamy Blusher No.1 Creamy Apple Ricot 

따로 어플리케이터가 내장되지 않아서
그냥 손가락으로 문질러서
광대뼈 주변에 블러셔로 활용해보았다.
연하게 발색되는 편이라서
오히려 양조절하기 쉬웠고 지속력도 좋은편이었다.
아무튼 웜톤이나, 코랄색을 좋아하는 분들에게
추천해주고 싶은 블러셔이다.
게다가 파우더리한 마무리감도 굿굿굿

I applied it around the cheekbone with my own fingers because it did not have extra applicators. It was rather easy to control the amount and had great endurance because the color was quite light. Anyway, it is a blusher that I want to recommend for those who like warm or coral tones. Moreover, the powdery finish was also very good!

눈두덩이에 쉐도우로 발라보았다.
눈주변이 더 하얘서 그런지
코랄색보다는 핑크빛으로 발색이 되는듯하다.
아무튼 진한 눈화장보다는
여리여리하면서 여성스러운 눈화장을 하고플때
크리미 돔블러셔 #2호 크리미 애플리콧을 발라주면 딱일듯 싶다.
그런데 눈에 발라주면
쌍커풀 부분이 크리즈 현상이 생기긴 하다;;ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아무튼 눈두덩이에 발라줘도 부담없고 예쁜색상임.ㅋㅋㅋ

I applied the shadow on top of my eyes. Maybe it's because the areas around the eyes are white that the color comes out in pink, rather than coral. It would be great choice to use the Creamy Dome Blusher No.2 Creamy Apple Ricot when you want to do the girlish eye make-up rather than dark eye make-ups. Anyway, you can use it on top of your eyes and it has a beautiful color. 

입술에 크리미 돔블러셔 #2호 크리미 애플리콧을 발라주면
코랄+피치색이 도는 누드립스틱으로 활용가능하다.
개인적으로 이방법은 정말 얼굴 새하얀분에게 추천해드리고 싶다.
여리여리한 입술색을 좋아하시는 분들에게도 추천ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아무튼 혈기있는 누드빛 입술이라서 토인으로 만들어주기보다는
역시 여리여리한 입술로 만들어준다고 할수있겠다.
크림 타입 블러셔라 사용방법도 다양하고, 다양하게 연출가능한 제품이라고 할수있겠다.

You can use it as a nude lipstick that has coral + peach colors by applying the Creamy Dome Blusher No.2 Creamy Apple Ricot. I personally would like to recommend this to those people who have extremely white faces. I also would like to recommend it to those who like charming lip colors. The product will turn your lips into a nude lip because of its color. I can say that it is a product that enables you to create various effects because it is a cream-type blusher and has various methods for use. 


장점: 크림타입이지만 파우더리하고 유분기가 덜느껴짐
워터프루프 타입
지속력 좋은편
발색력 좋은편
다양하게 활용 가능한 멀티아이템
웜톤, 쿨톤에 각각 어울리는 색상
저렴한 가격

단점:  눈에다 발라주면 크리즈 현상 있는편
플라스틱 뚜껑부분이 허술함
색감 자체는 살짝 흔하김 함 - 그래도이쁨 ㅜㅜ

<General Evaluation>
Advantages: Even though it is a cream-type, it is powdery and does not provide much oil
A long-lasting  product
Creates the color very well
A multi-item that can be used for various purposes
The colors that match very well with warm and cool skin tones
Affordable price

Disadvantages: Your freckles worsen and appear more clearly if you apply them on your eyes
The plastic lid is quite sloppy
The colors are common colors.. but it's still pretty :)

Click here to purchase the product.


Please check the expiration date before using the cosmetics :)

*The expiration of our cosmetics is usually 3 years from the pack date before unsealing

Skin / Toner / Lotion1 year after unsealing (keep  it in a cold place)
Essence / Beauty Treatment8 months after unsealing (Keep it in a dark place)
Cream1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Makeup Base / Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place, 
i.e. room temperature)
Stick Foundation1 year after unsealing (Keep it in a cold place)
Eye ShadowOver 1 year after unsealing
Eyeliner1 year (When using brushes, wash or clean with tissues after using)
Mascara6 months
Cleansing Cream1 year ~ a year and a half after unsealing 
(Use cream type with a spatula)
Sunblock4 months ~ a year after unsealing
(Cold storage)
Nail / Enamel1 year after unsealing

※ For expiration date may vary from from items to items, please check the date before using them.